

 著者  発表者 招待
講演番号 ショートタイトル  予稿 
桂華 邦裕     R005-15 Properties of ionospheric low-altitude ion upflows during CIR- and CME- driven magnetic storms based on the EISCAT observations 表示
    R006-04 脈動オーロラの空間構造と降下電子エネルギーの制御に関するコーラス波ダクト伝搬の役割 表示
    R006-05 脈動オーロラに伴う幅広いエネルギー帯の電子の降りこみ:あらせ衛星-EISCATの共同観測及びシミュレーション 表示
    R006-28 Terrestrial-origin O+ ions below 1 keV near the Moon measured with the KAGUYA satellite 表示
    R006-29 Evolution of energy spectrum during electron accelerations in the outer radiation belt 表示
#   R006-30 Characteristics of energetic ions contributing to the storm-time ring current: Long-term observations by Arase/MEP-i 表示
    R006-33 Severe erosion of the plasmasphere caused by the ring current particle injection into the deep inner magnetosphere 表示
    R006-41 Evolution of electron temperature anisotropy associated with injections and its relation to chorus wave excitation 表示
    R006-P18 あらせ衛星で観測された降り込み電子の統計的解析 表示
    R006-P24 Evolution of subauroral polarization streams as observed during SuperDARN-Arase conjunctions in Fall 2022 表示
    R009-14 Ion and magnetic field observations planned by Martian Moons eXploration (MMX) 表示
桂華 邦裕     R006-14 Dependence of ion and electron properties in the central plasma sheet on the solar wind conditions: Long-term Geotail observations 表示
