
œHasegawa and Nagata Award

  1. Details: Awards a SGEPSS member for outstanding achievements in leading the development of academic fields relevant to SGEPSS and for significant contributions towards the development of SGEPSS with a certificate, a gold medal, and a silver cup.

  2. Past winners

œTanakadate Award

  1. Details: Awards a SGEPSS member for outstanding scientific achievements with a certificate and a medal.

  2. Past winners

œObayashi Early Career Scientist Award

  1. Details: Awards an early career SGEPSS member for his or her unique achievements and for the promotion of research with a potential for further progress with a certificate and a medal.

  2. Past winners

œSGEPSS Frontier Award

  1. Details: Awards a SGEPSS member, or a group of members, for significant contributions to the development of research by SGEPSS through interdisciplinary projects with other academic institutions, innovative technological developments, and the development and maintenance of a research infrastructure.

  2. Past winners

œSGEPSS Outstanding Paper Award

  1. Details: Awards author(s) of an outstanding paper that has been published in "Earth, Planets and Space" in the reference years. The corresponding author of the paper must be a SGEPSS member.

  2. Past winners

œStudent Presentation Award (Aurora Medal)

  1. Details: Awards student research for its potential and originality. The recipient is honored with a certificate and an Aurora Medal.

  2. Past winners

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