

Pi2 pulsations as indicators of the substorms

著者名 Authors 所属機関名 所属機関名(欧文)
1 #A1 Li/Yan K1 Kyushu University
2 F2 Yumoto/K K2 Kyushu University
3 F3 Ohtani/S K3 John Hopkins University, MD, USA


 Pi2 pulsations have been classical indicators of the terrestrial substorms. With recent POLAR satellite auroral image data, and an extended ground magnetometer network CPMN, we re-examine the relation between the Pi2s and the auroral breakups. From one month data (July, 1996), 36 out of 49 auroral breakups (73.5%) have associated Pi2s within 10 min, while 26 auroral breakups have associated Pi2s within 2 min. Auroral images are from north polar region and Pi2s are from low latitude stations covering all local times. However, there are 35 groups of significant Pi2s in this month without auroral breakups observed. Besides the data availability of the auroral image data, we consider this fact curious. More data in northern winter months will be examined. Statistical results in regard to the correspondence of Pi2s and substorms will be presented. We will also select different cases for detailed studies, i.e. 1. an auroral breakup with no Pi2; with a delayed Pi2; with a concurrent Pi2; or with a pre-occurred Pi2; 2. a Pi2 with no auroral breakup. For different cases, we will examine other substorm parameters, such as the magnetotail depolarization and/or particle injections.

