Quick initiation of magnetic reconnection in an ion scale current sheet
Masaki Fujimoto[1]
,*Iku Shinohara [2],Manfred Scholer [3]
Tokyo Institute of Technology[1]
Institute of Space and Astronautical Science[2]
Max-Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics[3]
It is a very important point to understand the explosive nature
of magnetic reconnection, which is still poorly understood.
Many theorists believe that the turbulence in an electron-scale
current sheet is necessary to provide sufficient dissipation
to trigger fast reconnection in space, while there is no observational
evidence that the current sheet thins down to electron scale.
It is therefore an interesting question to ask if some dissipation
mechanisms set in already at ion scale current sheets. In order
to investigate the onset mechanism of magnetic reconnection in
an ion-scale current sheet, we are carrying out a large-scale
3D PIC code simulation. The simple 1D Harris current sheet is
set as the initial condition of the simulation run, and no initial
perturbation, like a driven flow, is added. In such a condition,
the growth of the collision less tearing mode is much slower
than those of the other instabilities in the 3rd dimension (out
of plane of reconnection). Contrary to our expectation, magetic
reconnection occurs very quickly within about 5 ion gyro-period.
Although no electric field activity is observed right at the
neutral sheet, a number of wave modes are found in the boundary
of the current sheet. We discuss the initiation mechanism of
magnetic reconnection in connection with the observed turbulence
in the boundary of the current sheet.