著者 |
発表者 |
招待 講演 |
講演番号 |
ショートタイトル |
予稿集本文 |
行松 彰 |
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B005-P019 |
SuperDARN及びEISCATによる電離圏人工励起沿磁力線不規則構造の同時観測 |
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B006-11 |
Evidence for the longitudinal motion of mesoscale plasma precipitation in the cusp |
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B010-P004 |
SuperDARN北海道-陸別短波レーダーの現況報告(2009.9) |
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湯元 清文 |
A003-03 |
Possible Association between Geomagnetic Anomalies and the Tectonic Activity in Italy, 2002 |
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B005-38 |
Analytic representation for quiet daily geomagnetic variations |
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B005-P038 |
CHAMP衛星観測による低緯度、赤道域の中性大気密度とプラズマ密度の相互関連 |
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B006-01 |
ブラジル磁気異常帯における磁気急始(SC)時の磁場変動の特異性 |
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B006-29 |
Phase Relation of the Ionospheric Doppler Velocity and Magnetic Pi 2 Pulsations |
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B006-32 |
A detection of substorm precursors by SSA-based change-point analysis |
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B006-33 |
Two-step evolution of auroral acceleration and pseudo-/full-substorms |
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B006-P017 |
Automatic Identification of Pi 2 using MAGDAS/CPMN -Toward Construction of a new Pi 2 Index- |
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B006-P018 |
An application of frequency-domain ICA to Pi 2 pulsations |
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B006-P020 |
A new interpretation of high-latitude Pi 2 observed at the MAGDAS/CPMN stations |
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B007-P002 |
2009年7月22日の皆既日食時における12GHz帯太陽電波簡易型観測 |
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B010-07 |
地上衛星連携融合観測による国際宇宙天気イニシアティブ |
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B010-09 |
Improved hodograph method to identify field-line resonances in ground magnetometer data |
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B010-11 |
地磁気DP2型変動の再考 |
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B010-18 |
Statistical analysis of monitoring of the plasmapause by the CPMN magnetometers and IMAGE/EUV |
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B010-P014 |
ULTIMA Magnetic Power Spectral Density and its Radial Diffusion Coefficients for REE |
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B010-P016 |
2009/07/22皆既日食に関する観測速報〜九大日食観測隊〜 |
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