


Possible energy transfer from the solar wind into the Earth's middleatmosphere by recurrent geomagnetic activity

著者名 Authors 所属機関名 所属機関名(欧文)
1 #五十嵐喜良 K.Igarashi 郵政省通信総合研究所 Communications Research Laboratory
2 F2 K.Hocke ドイツ航空宇宙研究機構 German Aerospace Research Establishment
3 F3 G. Ma 郵政省通信総合研究所 Communications Research Laboratory
4 F4 R.Schminder ライプツィヒ大学コルム地球物理観測所 Collm Geophysical Observatory, University of Leipzig
5 F5 D.Kuerschner ライプツィヒ大学コルム地球物理観測所 Collm Geophysical Observatory, University of Leipzig
6 F6 A.H.Manson サスカチュワン大学宇宙大気科学研究所 Institute of Space and Atmospheric Studies, Univ. of Saskatchewan
7 F7 C.E.Meek サスカチュワン大学宇宙大気科学研究所 Institute of Space and Atmospheric Studies, Univ. of Saskatchewan
8 F8 Y.Luo サスカチュワン大学宇宙大気科学研究所 Institute of Space and Atmospheric Studies, Univ. of Saskatchewan


 By using the time series of winds observed in the mesosphere and lower thermosphere we have investigated possibilities of energy transfer from solar wind into the Earth's middle atmosphere during a low solar activity in 1996. The winds were observed with Yamagawa MF radar, Saskatchewan MF radar and Collm LF profiler. The maximum correlation between Kp and the westward wind is r=0.73. An explanation of this reason is that the mesosphere at mid-latitudes reacts to particle precipitation and ionospheric current variations at high latitudes which are obviously caused by the solar wind.


Mesosphere, Lower thermosphere, Solar wind, MF radar, Recurrent geomagnetic storm, Middle atmosphere