


Real Time Model of Proton Distribution in the MagnetosphereUsing the ACE Solar Wind Data

著者名 Authors 所属機関名 所属機関名(欧文)
1 #島津/浩哲 Shimazu/Hironori 通信総合研究所 Communications Research Laboratory

磁気圏モデル電磁場中の荷電粒子の軌道を追跡する数値モデルを 開発した。ACE太陽風データを入力にし、リアルタイムで動作さ せている。目的は、静止衛星軌道付近での陽子の到達時刻、到達 量、エネルギー分布などをリアルタイムで予測することにある。

We have developed a numerical model which describes trajectories of protons in the given magnetospheric electric and magnetic fields. The aim of this research is to forecast proton distribution near the geosynchronous orbit in near real time. We use the Tsyganenko 1989 Kp=3 model and the Volland-Stern model for magnetic and electric field models of the magnetosphere, respectively. As the boundary condition of the electric potential, the ACE real time solar wind data are used. We assume that protons are loaded near Xgsm=-10 earth radii in the model magnetosphere when the ACE data show the negative IMF Bz component. The production rate is proportional to the magnitude of the Bz component. This model works in real time using the ACE solar wind data.

磁気圏, 粒子の軌道, 数値モデル, ACE太陽風データ, リアルタイム, 宇宙環境

magnetosphere, particle trajectory, numerical model, ACE solar wind data, real time, space environment