


On the mechanism of the inner core rotation

著者名 Authors 所属機関名 所属機関名(欧文)
1 #桜庭/中 Sakuraba/Ataru 東京大学理学部地球惑星物理学教室 Department of Earth and Planetary Physics, University of Tokyo
2 河野/長 Kono/Masaru 東京大学理学部地球惑星物理学教室 Department of Earth and Planetary Physics, University of Tokyo

 コア内の磁場と流れ場の構造と内核の差分回転のメカニズムとについて考える. Glatzmaier and Roberts (PEPI 91, 63, 1995) は,内核がマントルよりも速 く回転するという数値計算をはじめて報告した.そこでは内核接円筒の内側に 生ずる温度風が磁場を誘導し,それによる電磁気トルクが内核を回転させる. 我々の数値計算でも内核はマントルより速く回転するが,そのメカニズムは異 なる.二つのメカニズムの違い,そしてどの条件下でどちらのメカニズムが優 勢となるかについて議論する.

 Possible machanisms of the differential rotation of the inner core are considered in addition to the structure of the magnetic and velocity fields in the Earth's core. The inner core superrotation was first simulated by Glatzmaier and Roberts (PEPI 91, 63, 1995). They found that it was driven by an eastward electromagnetic torque associated with the thermal wind induced toroidal magnetic field inside the tangential cylinder. Our numerical result also features an inner core superrotation, but its mechanism is different from the thermal wind mechanism. We discuss what is the difference of the two mechanisms and which one is more evident than another in what condition.

MHDダイナモ, 内核, 数値計算

MHD dynamo, Earth's inner core, numerical simulation