著者名 | Authors | 所属機関名 | 所属機関名(欧文) | |
1 | #河野/英昭 | Kawano/H. | 九州大学理学部地球惑星科学科 | Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Kyushu University |
極域磁気圏に対する substorm の影響を、人工衛星 POLAR の一年
間のデータを用いて統計的に調べた。substorm 中に POLAR が極
域磁気圏領域の外に出る例が全体の約 20 % で見られたが、これ
substorm の影響については更に調査が必要である。一方、それ以
外の例については、substorm の影響が明瞭に認められた。それは、
substorm の成長相において極域磁気圏磁場の強度が増大し、その
substorm の爆発相以降は静穏時の値に向け戻っていく。この現象
How the magnetic field perturbs in the polar magnetosphere
during substorms has not been systematically surveyed in
the past, because there was almost no satellite previously
which stayed there for a long time. The purpose of this
paper is to study it on a statistical basis by using data
from the POLAR spacecraft, apogee of which is usually
located well within the northern polar magnetosphere.
For the interval of one year after the launch of POLAR in
March 1996, we have sampled substorm events for which POLAR
was located near its apogee (geocentric distance
9Re). As
a result we have obtained 76 events. For more than ten out
of the events, POLAR temporarily exited the magnetospheric
domain and entered the cusp or magnetosheath. The
occurrence of the exit is dependent on the spacecraft
position (frequent at large X (GSM position)) and the solar
wind dynamic pressure (frequent at a large pressure).
Substorm may not be a major controlling factor for the
exit, but further study is necessary before a final
conclusion is drawn.
A significant substorm-associated perturbation is found for
the events without an exit
The magnetic field strength
increases during the growth phase and recovers during the
expansion to recovery phases. The increase is interpreted
to be the result of the pileup of the dayside-eroded
magnetic flux over the polar magnetosphere. In addition,
the tilt angle of the magnetic field at POLAR also shows a
substorm-associated perturbation
the field line tends to
become less tilted during the growth phase and recovers
during the expansion to recovery phases. This appears to
be opposite to what is expected at first sight, because the
tilt angle of the polar magnetopause is expected to
increase as a result of the flux pileup. A possible
explanation is the dragging effect of the ionosphere
tends to pin the magnetic field line at its footpoint, and
when the field line is pushed inward and tailward by the
piled-up flux, it becomes less tilted.
polar magnetosphere, substorm, solar wind