


Constraints on the electrical conductivity beneath the JapanSea by MT response of the Japan Sea Cable (JASC)

著者名 Authors 所属機関名 所属機関名(欧文)
1 #後藤/忠徳 Goto/Tadanori 愛知教育大学 Aichi University of Education
2 清水/久芳 Shimizu/Hisayoshi 東京大学地震研究所 Earthquake Research Institute, University of Tokyo
3 歌田/久司 Utada/Hisashi 東京大学地震研究所 Earthquake Research Institute, University of Tokyo
4 田中/良和 Tanaka/Tanaka 京都大学理学部 Kyoto University
5 湯元/湯元 Yumoto/Kiyofumi 九州大学理学部 Kyushu University

 ナホトカ(ロシア)から直江津(日本)の間を結ぶ日本海ケーブ ル(JASC)による電位差データを用いてMT解析をおこなった。MT解析 の際には、柿岡の地磁気観測点の地磁気データを使用した。JASCに よって得られた見かけ比抵抗値と位相差から日本列島下の比抵抗構 造に関してどの程度の制約が与えられるのかを調べるために、日本 列島周辺の3次元的な電気伝導度構造のforward計算を行った。JASC から得られるMT responseは、深さ100〜400kmのマントルの比抵抗値 を制約できることが分かった。一方、高比抵抗なsubducting slabに 対するJASCの感度については、ほとんどないことが分かった。

 Electrical potential difference between Nakhodka (Russia) and Naoetsu (Japan) has been observed by using the Japan Sea Cable (JASC) since 1996. MT responses were obtained from the observed data to constrain the conductivity structure beneath the Japan sea and the West Pacific region for frequency range from 300 sec to 30,000 sec. Magnetic data from several observatories were used for testing the inhomogeneity of the source field. Then, three-dimensional forward modeling, using a code by Mackie et al. (1993), was carried out to examine how the structure is constrained by the observed JASC MT response. Following implications were obtained (1) The high conductance of the upper mantle (the depth range of 100 - 400km) beneath the Japan sea is well constrained by the JASC MT response. It is estimated as about 15,000 - 25,000 S from the response curve at the periods longer than 6,000 sec. (2) The lithosphere conductivity is also sensitive to the MT response by the JASC, but it cannot be constrained by using JASC only. On-land MT responses are needed in the modeling process to estimate the lithosphere conductivity beneath the Japan Sea.

日本海, MT法, 電気伝導度

Japan Sea, magnetotellurics, electrical conductivity