
*川北 功治[1], 芳野 赳夫[2], 川上 卓也[1]


The study of radiation mechanism of Hybrid tweek wave radiated in the geomagnetic 0 degrees dip range.

*Kohji Kawakita[1] ,Takeo Yoshino [2],Takuya Kawakami [1]
Graduate school of Fukui University of Technology[1]
Fukui University of Technology[2]

Hybrid tweek wave radiated by the lightning is the long propagation natural radio wave which propagate in the 0 order mode of tweek to VLF range, which can not explained as the terrestrial wave-guide mode. In so far my research, we have considered that Hybrid tweek wave is frequently radiated in the geomagnetic 0 degrees range and that Hybrid tweek wave is affected by the geomagnetic field. In this presentation, we studied the radiation occurence of Hybrid tweek wave depending on the geomagnetic activity by using the data of numerical correlation results between the estimated distance and source position supposed the location of the nimbus groups given by the data of GMS-5. And further, we study the radiation mechanism of Hybrid tweek wave by using the reflection cofficients data between the sea and below the ionosphere.

近年、コンピュータの高速化が進んだ結果、これらを用いることにより、受信されたVLFデータを高速フーリエ変換し、直接リアルタイムで トゥイーク空電等の自然電磁波をFFT画像化できるようになり、様々な解析が可能となった。そこで我が研究室では、導波管モード伝播の決定周波数において、0次モードまで長距離伝播可能なトゥイーク波に着目し、その伝播機構の解明を開始した。