
*中野 慎也[1], 家森 俊彦[1]


An estimation of the current distribution in the inner magnetosphere

*Shin'ya Nakano[1] ,Toshihiko Iyemori [1]
Graduate School of Science, Kyoto University[1]

We are trying to estimate the 2-dimensional distribution of electric currents in the inner magnetosphere using the magnetic data obtained by the DE-1 spacecraft. In this estimation, the currents are assumed to be straight line currents perpendicular to each meridional plane under consideration. The derived current distribution is doubtful in the high latitude because it is highly affected by Birkeland currents. However, the estimated current distribution is plausible in the low latitude; for example, there are dawn to dusk currents in the region less than 3 earth radii, and a westward ring current in the region more than 3 earth radii.

DE-1衛星の磁場観測データを用いて,内部磁気圏の各子午面を貫く電流の平均的な2次元空間分布を推定することを試みた.推定には,電流は子午面を垂直に貫く直線電流であると仮定して,DE-1の観測によって得られた平均的な磁場分布と適合するような電流分布を求めるという方法をとった.その結果,低緯度に関しては比較的妥当な電流分布が得られ,< 3 Re では昼側,夜側ともに dawn to dusk 方向の電流が, > 3 Re では西向き ring current を得た.但し,高緯度に関しては Birkeland current の影響が強いため,上述の仮定による推定が妥当と言えるか否かは検討を要する.