Geomagnetic and seasonal effects on bursty electron acceleration in the diffuse aurora region
*Takayuki Kanda[1]
,Masatoshi Yamauchi [2],Akira Morioka [1]
Planetary Plasma and Atmospheric Research Center[1]
Swedish Institute of Space Physics, Kiruna[2]
Structured non-thermal electrons (up to several hundred eV) in
the diffuse aurora region, or so called CPS (defined by unstructured
electron population of several keV) region, are studied using
the Freja satellite particle data. These electrons have a monoenergetic
or a broad energy spectrum, that is, they seem to be accelerated
by electrostatic potential or waves. We investigated the occurrence
frequency distribution of electron acclereration signatures and
its variations with geomagnetic activities and seasons, and found
that there are three local maxima of the frequency (premidnight,
dawn and dusk sectors) and winter/summer asymmetry in all auroral
region. The asymmetry is particularly pronounced in the dayside
region and during geomagnetic quiet conditions.