Enhancements of lobe ion density associated with plasmoids: Time analysis
*Taku Takada[1]
,Hisato Shirai [1],Yohsuke Kamide [1]
Toshinori Mukai [2]
Solar-Terrestrial Environment Laboratory, Nagoya University[1]
The Institute of Space and Astronautical Science[2]
Recently we have shown that intermittent enhancements in density
and velocity of lobe ions can be detected by the GEOTAIL satellite
after the passage of a plasmoid. These enhancements are associated
with the passage of magnetic neutral lines following the plasmoids.
Here, we concentrate on the time series of those events. The
time delays between the onsets of the geomagnetic disturbances
and the ion enhancements are almost directly proportional to
the distance of satellite from the neutral point. But, we have
some variations in the time delay at similar distances. We discuss
the origin of such variations, which might be caused by differences
in the energy scale between various substorms.