著者 |
発表者 |
招待 講演 |
講演番号 |
ショートタイトル |
予稿集本文 |
佐藤 光輝 |
B005-23 |
Occurrence rate of cloud-to-ground lightning flashes as a function of charge moment change |
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B005-24 |
TARANIS 衛星及び JEM-GLIMS に搭載するフォトメータの開発 |
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B005-P011 |
GLIMS Mission: Optical and Electromagnetic Observation of Lightning and TLEs from ISS |
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B005-P013 |
Improvement of lightning geolocation by time of arrival method using global ELF network data |
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B005-P014 |
Concurrent observation of Atmospheric Electric Field and Schumann resonance |
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B009-P025 |
1.6m光学反射望遠鏡を用いたPLANET-Cとの金星同時観測計画 |
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B010-22 |
27-day variation in cloud amount and lightning activity and relationship to the solar cycle |
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佐藤 由佳 |
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B006-P006 |
Upper hybrid and ESCH waves in the auroral ionosphere: Possible sources of MF auroral radio emission |
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佐納 康治 |
B005-39 |
トカラ皆既日食時の磁場および大気圧変動観測 (速報) |
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佐柳 敬造 |
A003-P013 |
磁気および電気探査による海底熱水鉱床の検出可能性 |
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A003-P020 |
火成岩のP型半導体的電気伝導 |
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A004-P005 |
海底の精密な磁気探査および電気探査のための観測機器開発 |
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澤 隆雄 |
A004-P005 |
海底の精密な磁気探査および電気探査のための観測機器開発 |
表示 |