著者 |
発表者 |
招待 講演 |
講演番号 |
ショートタイトル |
予稿集本文 |
IUGONETプロジェクトチーム 林 寛生 |
B010-10 |
IUGONETプロジェクトの進捗報告 -平成23年度- |
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B010-11 |
地磁気静穏日変化に見られる超高層大気の長期変動 |
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B010-12 |
Long-term relationship equatorial electrojet and neutral wind in the mesosphere and thermosphere |
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B010-P010 |
高緯度から磁気赤道域までの磁気急始(SC)の磁場振幅の季節変化の緯度依存性 |
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行松 彰 |
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B010-P005 |
極冠電離圏電位差の南北対称性について(2) |
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B010-P006 |
Simultaneous optical and radar observations of eastward drifting auroral forms |
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B010-P008 |
昭和基地SuperDARNレーダーによる電離圏日の出/日の入り効果の研究 |
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湯元 清文 |
A003-12 |
Relationship between Epicenter Depths of Global Earthquakes and Solar Parameters |
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A003-P003 |
The relationship between the 2011 Tohoku mega earthquake and geomagnetic field variations in Japan |
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B005-21 |
Day-to-day Variation of Equatorial Electrojet Controlled by Mid-latitude Sq Current System |
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B005-22 |
Global Lunar Current System during Sudden Stratospheric Warming in December 2002 |
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B006-23 |
Timing relation between bay onsets, Pi 2 onsets, initial brightenings and breakups |
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B006-27 |
Impulsive Magnetic Field Variations Observed by ETS-VIII during Substorms |
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B006-P005 |
カレントウェッジの上向き/下向き沿磁力線電流に伴うPi 2地磁気脈動 |
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B006-P006 |
ETS-VIIIとMAGDASで観測された磁場データからもとめたPi 2の伝播特性 |
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B010-04 |
Evolution of negative SI-induced ionospheric flows observed by SuperDARN King Salmon HF radar |
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B010-09 |
FLR地上磁場観測とTEC観測からのプラズマ圏3次元密度分布推定法 |
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B010-12 |
Long-term relationship equatorial electrojet and neutral wind in the mesosphere and thermosphere |
表示 |
B010-P010 |
高緯度から磁気赤道域までの磁気急始(SC)の磁場振幅の季節変化の緯度依存性 |
表示 |