著者 |
発表者 |
招待 講演 |
講演番号 |
ショートタイトル |
予稿集本文 |
Leblanc Francois |
B009-12 |
Study of heavy ion dynamics in the Mercury's magnetosphere on the basis of multi-scale simulations |
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Lin Charles |
B005-P052 |
人工衛星による電離圏プラズマバブルの観測シミュレーション |
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S001-11 |
Study of the ionosphere response to upward propagating tides |
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Liu Huixin |
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B005-13 |
GAIA model simulation of the thermosphere response to SSW |
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B005-18 |
地球超高層大気撮像観測ミッションISS-IMAPの初期観測と今後の観測計画 |
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B005-P045 |
Relation between the local equatorial electrojet and global Sq current system |
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B006-50 |
1D simulation of Electron acceleration by Inertial Alfven wave pulse |
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S001-P002 |
Seismo-electromagnetic anomalies in ELF range observed by an induction magnetometer in Kuju |
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S001-P003 |
Exploration of the Possible Relationship between Magnetic Pulsations and Earthquakes |
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S001-P006 |
Upper thermosphere coupling with the lower atmosphere: the known and unknown |
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Liu Jann-Yenq |
S001-P007 |
North-south asymmetry of coseismic ionospheric disturbance related to Rayleigh wave |
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Liu Junming |
B006-45 |
国際宇宙ステーションから見たオーロラ発展と電流系 |
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Lu Gaopeng |
B005-01 |
FORMOSAT-2/ISUALによる雷放電の多波長フォトメータ観測 |
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Luce Hubert |
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B005-16 |
New insights into small-scale tropospheric turbulence from original radar and balloon data analyses |
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Luehr Hermann |
B005-P044 |
CHAMP衛星が観測した中低緯度における微細な沿磁力線電流の全球的な季節依存性 |
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Lynn Kenneth J. W. |
B005-P053 |
磁気共役点における全天大気光イメージャーで観測されたプラズマバブルの消失 |
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Lyons W. |
B005-P003 |
航空機からのハイスピードカメラ観測によるスプライトストリーマの時間・空間進展機構 |
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