

著者 発表者 招待
講演番号 ショートタイトル 予稿集本文
Wahlund J.-E.   * R009-07 Recent Observations of Radio and Plasma Waves by Juno and Cassini 表示
Walia Nehpreet Kaur #   R006-33 A statistical study of slow-mode shocks observed by MMS in the dayside magnetopause 表示
Wang B.-J.     S001-27 Low-energy particle experiments - electron analyzer (LEPe) for the Arase mission 表示
    S001-28 Relationship between high-L energetic electrons and the Earth's high-latitude disturbances 表示
    S001-29 Comparison of events with prominent fluctuations common to ERG/Arase particle and wave observations 表示
    S001-30 Survey of radiation belt low-energy electron fluxes based on the ERG LEP-e measurements 表示
    S001-P06 Energetic electrons observed at higher latitude region of the plasma sheet near the radiation belt 表示
Wang S.-Y.     S001-01 Geospace Exploration Project ERG(Arase); overview of the mission 表示
    S001-27 Low-energy particle experiments - electron analyzer (LEPe) for the Arase mission 表示
    S001-P06 Energetic electrons observed at higher latitude region of the plasma sheet near the radiation belt 表示
    S001-P09 あらせ衛星観測データに基づく高密度領域でのコーラス放射と密度変動に関する研究 表示
    S001-P27 Analysis of spacecraft surface charging events in MEO 表示
Wang Shiang-Yu     S001-06 Numerical calculations for flux enhancement of radiation belt electrons 表示
    S001-11 Atmospheric impacts of auroral electrons as observed by Arase and Syowa observations 表示
    S001-28 Relationship between high-L energetic electrons and the Earth's high-latitude disturbances 表示
    S001-29 Comparison of events with prominent fluctuations common to ERG/Arase particle and wave observations 表示
    S001-30 Survey of radiation belt low-energy electron fluxes based on the ERG LEP-e measurements 表示
    S001-34 Evolution of ionospheric convection and ULFs during the 27 March 2017 storm: ERG-SuperDARN campaign 表示
WILQUET Valerie     R009-P03 Exploring the Atmosphere of Mars and Venus with Remote Observations: A Belgium-Japan partnership 表示
Wilson Richard     R005-P26 大気成層構造の小型無人航空機・MUレーダー同時観測 表示
Wygant John     S001-P08 北欧全天カメラとVan Allen Probes衛星を用いた脈動オーロラ同時観測事例の解析 表示
    S001-P19 脈動オーロラ主脈動とコーラスバーストの周期性に関する統計的比較 表示
