著者 |
発表者 |
招待 講演 |
講演番号 |
ショートタイトル |
予稿集本文 |
CECCONI, Baptiste |
R009-P22 |
Feasibility study of passive subsurface radar using waveform data of Jovian decametric radiation |
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CHANG, Tzu-fang |
* |
S001-08 |
Density depletions associated with enhancements of ECH emissions observed by ERG |
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S001-12 |
コロナホール流に伴う放射線帯増加:あらせ観測 |
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S001-25 |
Simulation of the substorm injection of high-energy electrons observed by ERG and GOES |
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S001-P19 |
Initial calibration of the LEPe instrument onboard the ERG spacecraft |
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CHENG, Chio-zong |
S001-25 |
Simulation of the substorm injection of high-energy electrons observed by ERG and GOES |
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CHI, Peter |
* |
R010-17 |
Propagation of Pi2 pulsation from nightside to dayside: Observations and modeling |
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CHIANG, Chih-yu |
S001-25 |
Simulation of the substorm injection of high-energy electrons observed by ERG and GOES |
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S001-P19 |
Initial calibration of the LEPe instrument onboard the ERG spacecraft |
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CLARKE, Tracy |
R009-04 |
Frequency dependence on the beaming angle of Jupiter's decametric radio emissions |
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COE, Robert S. |
R004-17 |
Paleointensity variation at the Matuyama-Brunhes transition from the Haleakala lava sequence on Maui |
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S001-P10 |
Correlation analysis of plasma waves simultaneously observed by Arase and Van Allen Probes |
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CONNORS, Martin |
R005-27 |
4観測点の大気光画像を用いた中間圏重力波・MSTIDの水平波数分布の長期統計解析 |
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R006-04 |
Effects of geomagnetic field and cold plasma on the generation of isolated proton aurora |
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S001-07 |
PWINGの複数地上観測点を用いた磁気圏ELF/VLF波動の経度広がりに関する研究 |
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S001-16 |
Flash aurora as manifestation of the resonant interactions between chorus elements and electrons |
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S001-19 |
One-to-one correspondence between relativistic electron precipitation and pulsating aurora |
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S001-20 |
Energetic Electron Precipitation and its relation to IPDP type EMIC waves |
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CRAVENS, Thomas E. |
R009-13 |
Low electron temperatures observed at Mars by MAVEN on dayside crustal magnetic field lines |
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