著者 |
発表者 |
招待 講演 |
講演番号 |
ショートタイトル |
予稿集本文 |
星 博幸 |
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R004-07 |
New paleomagnetic data from early Miocene sediments in central Japan and tectonic implications |
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星 康人 |
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R006-P21 |
昼側磁気圏境界面付近における運動論的アルフベン波によるプラズマ輸送過程の直接観測 |
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星野 真弘 |
R006-21 |
2成分速度分布関数フィッティングで得られた磁気圏プラズマの低温・高温成分の特性 |
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R006-P15 |
Dependence of the ion-to-electron temperature ratio on flow speed in the plasma sheet |
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R006-P19 |
編隊編成による磁気圏尾部リコネクションに伴うスローショックの直接観測 |
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R008-02 |
相対論的衝撃波における航跡場加速 |
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R008-03 |
Theory and Observation of Nonthermal Electrons at Quasi-perpendicular Bow Shock |
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R008-10 |
磁気リコネクションでのイオンと電子のエネルギー分配 |
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S001-P17 |
Contribution from oxygen ions to plasma pressure in the inner magnetosphere |
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細川 敬祐 |
R005-17 |
航空航法用 VHF 帯電波の異常伝搬現象を用いたスポラディック E 層空間構造の解析 |
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R005-P10 |
石垣島で取得された 630.0 nm大気光観測データを用いたプラズマバブルの形状解析 |
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R005-P12 |
A network of low-cost airglow imaging system for monitoring plasma bubble in wide area |
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R005-P17 |
HFドップラー及びGPS-TECを用いた異なる高度での地震に伴う電離圏擾乱の解析 |
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R005-P18 |
HFドップラーと微気圧計を用いた台風に伴う電離圏変動の統計解析 |
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R005-P19 |
Free oscillations of the earth observed by HF Doppler sounding |
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R005-P28 |
Feasibility study for artificial aurora experiments at the EISACT Tromso site |
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R005-P31 |
Relationship between the By component of IMF and occurrence of polar cap patches |
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R005-P32 |
Investigation of interhemispheric asymmetry of polar cap patch occurrence |
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R006-03 |
PARM計画: 観測ロケットRockSat-XNによる高エネルギー電子マイクロバースト現象の観測 |
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R006-12 |
Highly structured FACs near the poleward boundary of the duskside Region 1 during quiet conditions |
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R006-19 |
Electron precipitation spots in the cusp and equatorward expansion of aurora beyond the cusp |
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R006-P08 |
Swarm 衛星を用いた北半球極冠域の沿磁力線電流の統計解析 |
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R006-P11 |
ISS - IMAP VISI で撮像された孤立型プロトンオーロラの移動特性: マルチイベント解析 |
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R006-P12 |
動くメソスケールカスプオーロラに伴うプラズマ速度プロファイル |
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R006-P14 |
カスプの赤道側境界に沿うオーロラ増光スポット間の特性距離 |
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R006-P27 |
機械学習によるフラッシュオーロラの自動検出 |
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R006-P28 |
脈動オーロラロケット実験Rocksat-SN, LAMPならびに将来衛星計画FACTORS |
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R006-P30 |
脈動オーロラ観測ロケットRocksat-XN搭載オーロラカメラの開発 |
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R010-14 |
スポラディック E 層による VHF 航空航法無線異常伝搬の観測と発生統計 |
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S001-09 |
Electrostatic electron cyclotron harmonic waves as a candidate to cause pulsating auroras |
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S001-15 |
Concentrically expanding ring-shaped pulsating aurora: simultaneous observations with Arase |
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S001-16 |
Flash aurora as manifestation of the resonant interactions between chorus elements and electrons |
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S001-17 |
高速EMCCDイメージャーを用いたフラッシュオーロラの時空間解析 |
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S001-P13 |
The temporal characteristics of PsA internal modulation |
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S001-P14 |
脈動オーロラ消光時に見られる発光強度の極端減少の原因 |
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S001-P15 |
Long-lasting high correlation between pulsating aurora and chorus |
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堀田 英之 |
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R010-08 |
太陽内部と表面をつなぐ大規模シミュレーション |
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穂積 裕太 |
R006-P11 |
ISS - IMAP VISI で撮像された孤立型プロトンオーロラの移動特性: マルチイベント解析 |
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堀 智昭 |
R006-05 |
Pc 5オーロラアーク脈動の地上・衛星同時観測 |
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R006-15 |
SuperDARN北海道-陸別第二レーダーによるSAPS擾乱の高時間分解能観測 |
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R006-16 |
Study of Ionospheric Conductivity Dependence of the SAPS using the SuperDARN Hokkaido East HF Radar |
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R006-17 |
SuperDARNデータへの位相差法・振幅比法の適用によるFLRの高精度同定 |
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S001-10 |
Strong diffusion of energetic electrons into diffuse aurora |
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S001-12 |
コロナホール流に伴う放射線帯増加:あらせ観測 |
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S001-22 |
Periodic energetic electron flux modulations by the azimuthally-confined ULF waves |
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S001-23 |
High-energy electron observations with the HEP instruments onboard Arase and its calibration status |
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S001-25 |
Simulation of the substorm injection of high-energy electrons observed by ERG and GOES |
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S001-26 |
Electron flux variations of the outer radiation belt during storms observed by Arase and RBSP |
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S001-28 |
Meridional distribution of proton and ring current in the inner magnetosphere: Arase observation |
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S001-P01 |
Electric Field Detector of Plasma Wave Experiment aboard ARASE: Evaluation results -- II |
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S001-P02 |
あらせ衛星によるULFの統計解析 |
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S001-P18 |
Penetration of ions and evolution of the plasmasphere during magnetic storms: Arase observations |
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S001-P19 |
Initial calibration of the LEPe instrument onboard the ERG spacecraft |
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S001-P21 |
Inter-channel calibration of the HEP instrument onboard the Arase satellite |
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S001-P22 |
あらせのHEPによる放射線帯内帯での粒子観測 |
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堀江 由実 |
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R008-P10 |
高強度レーザーを用いた無衝突衝撃波実験のデータ解析 |
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