著者 |
発表者 |
招待 講演 |
講演番号 |
ショートタイトル |
予稿集本文 |
海見 走 |
R010-P13 |
南極昭和期基地での宇宙線観測による宇宙天気研究II |
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加々島 慎一 |
R003-P05 |
Wideband Magnetotelluric Survey across the Dabbahu Rift in the Afar Depression, Ethiopia |
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香川 亜希子 |
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R005-P32 |
Investigation of interhemispheric asymmetry of polar cap patch occurrence |
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鍵谷 将人 |
R006-P05 |
Axisymmetric conductivities of Jupiter's middle- and low-latitude ionosphere |
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R007-03 |
「ひさき」衛星光学観測による惑星間空間ヘリウムの分布 |
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R009-06 |
火山活動活発期における木星衛星イオの酸素原子中性雲の分布 |
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R009-07 |
Azimuthal variation in the Io plasma torus observed by the Hisaki satellite from 2013 to 2016 |
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R009-P16 |
すばる望遠鏡で観測された木星赤外オーロラの微細構造とその時間変動 |
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R009-P23 |
High dynamic-range observation using a low-scattered light telescope PLANETS: feasibility study |
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柿並 義宏 |
R005-03 |
Ba/Srを用いたカスプ領域計測における高精度な解析手法の提案 |
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鍵山 恒臣 |
R003-06 |
ACTIVEから推定される阿蘇山2014-2016年活動期の比抵抗構造の推移 |
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笠井 康子 |
R009-15 |
Exploring the Atmosphere of Mars: Belgium-Japan partnership 2017-2019 |
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R009-P09 |
火星のO2分布と化学 |
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笠羽 康正 |
R005-P01 |
Modification of the retrieval tool JACOSPAR for the Martian limb observations |
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R006-31 |
サブストーム時の静止軌道におけるプラズマ動態 |
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R006-P05 |
Axisymmetric conductivities of Jupiter's middle- and low-latitude ionosphere |
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R007-03 |
「ひさき」衛星光学観測による惑星間空間ヘリウムの分布 |
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R009-07 |
Azimuthal variation in the Io plasma torus observed by the Hisaki satellite from 2013 to 2016 |
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R009-15 |
Exploring the Atmosphere of Mars: Belgium-Japan partnership 2017-2019 |
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R009-22 |
Cloud top altimetry of Venus with Akatsuki/IR2 dayside images |
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R009-26 |
中間赤外線観測装置のための冷却中空ファイバーガイドの開発 |
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R009-P04 |
Temperature and Wind in Venusian mesosphere and thermosphere by heterodyne spectrometer in 2018 |
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R009-P09 |
火星のO2分布と化学 |
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R009-P10 |
Mars mesospheric zonal wind at global dust storm 2018 |
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R009-P16 |
すばる望遠鏡で観測された木星赤外オーロラの微細構造とその時間変動 |
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R009-P22 |
Feasibility study of passive subsurface radar using waveform data of Jovian decametric radiation |
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R009-P23 |
High dynamic-range observation using a low-scattered light telescope PLANETS: feasibility study |
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S001-02 |
Instantaneous frequency analysis on nonlinear EMIC emissions: Arase observation |
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S001-04 |
磁気圏の磁気双極子化に伴い発生する磁場擾乱:あらせ観測結果 |
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* |
S001-08 |
Density depletions associated with enhancements of ECH emissions observed by ERG |
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S001-15 |
Concentrically expanding ring-shaped pulsating aurora: simultaneous observations with Arase |
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S001-16 |
Flash aurora as manifestation of the resonant interactions between chorus elements and electrons |
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S001-19 |
One-to-one correspondence between relativistic electron precipitation and pulsating aurora |
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S001-20 |
Energetic Electron Precipitation and its relation to IPDP type EMIC waves |
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S001-P01 |
Electric Field Detector of Plasma Wave Experiment aboard ARASE: Evaluation results -- II |
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S001-P02 |
あらせ衛星によるULFの統計解析 |
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S001-P08 |
探査衛星あらせのデータを用いた突発性電子サイクロトロン高調波の解析 |
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S001-P11 |
A Machine Learning Approach for the Determination of UHR Frequencies Observed by Arase |
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S001-P18 |
Penetration of ions and evolution of the plasmasphere during magnetic storms: Arase observations |
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笠原 慧 |
R006-02 |
脈動オーロラ観測ロケットミッションPARMに向けた中間エネルギー電子観測器の開発 |
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R006-03 |
PARM計画: 観測ロケットRockSat-XNによる高エネルギー電子マイクロバースト現象の観測 |
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R006-P02 |
Magnetosphere-ionosphere connection of storm-time R2 FAC and ring current: ERG-AMPERE observations |
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S001-10 |
Strong diffusion of energetic electrons into diffuse aurora |
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S001-12 |
コロナホール流に伴う放射線帯増加:あらせ観測 |
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S001-23 |
High-energy electron observations with the HEP instruments onboard Arase and its calibration status |
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S001-24 |
Energetic electron injection at the plasma sheet boundary |
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S001-26 |
Electron flux variations of the outer radiation belt during storms observed by Arase and RBSP |
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S001-28 |
Meridional distribution of proton and ring current in the inner magnetosphere: Arase observation |
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S001-30 |
Statistical properties of molecular ions in the ring current observed by the Arase (ERG) satellite |
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S001-31 |
Molecular ion outflow mechanism from the ionosphere observed by EISCAT and Arase (ERG) |
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S001-P06 |
Arase衛星S-WPIA解析におけるプラズマ波動電界較正に関する評価 |
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S001-P16 |
全天カメラとあらせ衛星によるSAR arc detachmentの同時観測 |
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S001-P17 |
Contribution from oxygen ions to plasma pressure in the inner magnetosphere |
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S001-P18 |
Penetration of ions and evolution of the plasmasphere during magnetic storms: Arase observations |
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S001-P21 |
Inter-channel calibration of the HEP instrument onboard the Arase satellite |
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笠原 禎也 |
R006-08 |
アナログ・デジタル混載ASICによるワンチッププラズマ波動スペクトル受信器の開発 |
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R006-09 |
アナログ・デジタル混載ASICによる小型プラズマ波動受信器の開発 |
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R006-33 |
MMS衛星群とGeotail衛星によるサブストーム開始の同時観測 |
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R006-P24 |
FPGA を用いたスペクトルマトリクス演算モジュールの開発 |
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R007-12 |
Decrease of IMF strength on the lunar dayside and above the polar region observed by Kaguya |
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S001-01 |
Propagation characteristics of whistler mode chorus waves deduced from the Arase observations |
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S001-02 |
Instantaneous frequency analysis on nonlinear EMIC emissions: Arase observation |
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S001-03 |
あらせ(ERG)で観測されたヘクトメータ線スペクトル |
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S001-04 |
磁気圏の磁気双極子化に伴い発生する磁場擾乱:あらせ観測結果 |
表示 |
S001-06 |
Multi-event study of ELF/VLF propagation using Kannuslehto and Arase conjunctions |
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S001-08 |
Density depletions associated with enhancements of ECH emissions observed by ERG |
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S001-09 |
Electrostatic electron cyclotron harmonic waves as a candidate to cause pulsating auroras |
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S001-10 |
Strong diffusion of energetic electrons into diffuse aurora |
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S001-12 |
コロナホール流に伴う放射線帯増加:あらせ観測 |
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* |
S001-15 |
Concentrically expanding ring-shaped pulsating aurora: simultaneous observations with Arase |
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S001-16 |
Flash aurora as manifestation of the resonant interactions between chorus elements and electrons |
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S001-19 |
One-to-one correspondence between relativistic electron precipitation and pulsating aurora |
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S001-29 |
Longitudinal Structure of Oxygen Torus: Simultaneous Observations by Arase and Van Allen Probe A |
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S001-32 |
ARASE observations of electron density perturbations |
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S001-33 |
磁気嵐時におけるプラズマ圏・電離圏変動 |
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S001-34 |
Plasma Density Distributions along the Magnetic Fields: Coordinated Observation of Arase and RBSP |
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S001-P01 |
Electric Field Detector of Plasma Wave Experiment aboard ARASE: Evaluation results -- II |
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S001-P02 |
あらせ衛星によるULFの統計解析 |
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S001-P03 |
Contribution of ULF and chorus waves to the radiation belt dynamics |
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S001-P04 |
Study of the relationship between whistler-mode chorus emissions and toroidal mode Pc4-5 ULF waves |
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S001-P05 |
プラズマポーズ近傍でのプラズマ密度変動とホイッスラーモード・コーラス放射との対応 |
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S001-P06 |
Arase衛星S-WPIA解析におけるプラズマ波動電界較正に関する評価 |
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S001-P07 |
あらせ衛星プラズマ波動観測データにおける波動伝搬方向推定 |
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S001-P08 |
探査衛星あらせのデータを用いた突発性電子サイクロトロン高調波の解析 |
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S001-P09 |
Characteristics of temporal variation of AKR and Pi 2 observed by ARASE and MAGDAS: Initial results |
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S001-P10 |
Correlation analysis of plasma waves simultaneously observed by Arase and Van Allen Probes |
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S001-P11 |
A Machine Learning Approach for the Determination of UHR Frequencies Observed by Arase |
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S001-P14 |
脈動オーロラ消光時に見られる発光強度の極端減少の原因 |
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S001-P15 |
Long-lasting high correlation between pulsating aurora and chorus |
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S001-P16 |
全天カメラとあらせ衛星によるSAR arc detachmentの同時観測 |
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S001-P18 |
Penetration of ions and evolution of the plasmasphere during magnetic storms: Arase observations |
表示 |
風間 洋一 |
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* |
S001-08 |
Density depletions associated with enhancements of ECH emissions observed by ERG |
表示 |
S001-12 |
コロナホール流に伴う放射線帯増加:あらせ観測 |
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S001-24 |
Energetic electron injection at the plasma sheet boundary |
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S001-P05 |
プラズマポーズ近傍でのプラズマ密度変動とホイッスラーモード・コーラス放射との対応 |
表示 |
S001-P08 |
探査衛星あらせのデータを用いた突発性電子サイクロトロン高調波の解析 |
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S001-P16 |
全天カメラとあらせ衛星によるSAR arc detachmentの同時観測 |
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S001-P19 |
Initial calibration of the LEPe instrument onboard the ERG spacecraft |
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樫村 博基 |
R009-15 |
Exploring the Atmosphere of Mars: Belgium-Japan partnership 2017-2019 |
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梶原 直也 |
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R009-18 |
あかつき搭載LIR用いた金星雲頂の温度変動の周期解析 |
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