著者 |
発表者 |
招待 講演 |
講演番号 |
ショートタイトル |
予稿集本文 |
横田 勝一郎 |
R006-25 |
Investigation of the magnetic neutral line region with the frame of two-fluid equations |
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R006-26 |
磁気圏シース領域のミラー構造内磁場極小付近でのホイッスラーモード波動の観測 |
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R006-33 |
MMS衛星群とGeotail衛星によるサブストーム開始の同時観測 |
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R006-P02 |
Magnetosphere-ionosphere connection of storm-time R2 FAC and ring current: ERG-AMPERE observations |
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R007-12 |
Decrease of IMF strength on the lunar dayside and above the polar region observed by Kaguya |
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R009-03 |
月表面から放出される二次イオンの生成過程 |
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R009-P18 |
電子反射法を用いた太陽風中での月面磁場強度推定 |
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R009-P19 |
かぐや搭載MAP-PACEによる超低高度における月プラズマの観測 |
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R009-P24 |
惑星探査用飛行時間計測型中性粒子質量分析器の開発 |
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R009-P25 |
周回機搭載質量分析器による遠隔での天体表面組成分析手法の開発 |
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R009-P26 |
MMO搭載MIAのトップハット分析器特性のわずかな非対称性について |
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S001-10 |
Strong diffusion of energetic electrons into diffuse aurora |
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S001-12 |
コロナホール流に伴う放射線帯増加:あらせ観測 |
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S001-24 |
Energetic electron injection at the plasma sheet boundary |
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S001-26 |
Electron flux variations of the outer radiation belt during storms observed by Arase and RBSP |
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S001-28 |
Meridional distribution of proton and ring current in the inner magnetosphere: Arase observation |
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S001-30 |
Statistical properties of molecular ions in the ring current observed by the Arase (ERG) satellite |
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S001-31 |
Molecular ion outflow mechanism from the ionosphere observed by EISCAT and Arase (ERG) |
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S001-P16 |
全天カメラとあらせ衛星によるSAR arc detachmentの同時観測 |
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S001-P17 |
Contribution from oxygen ions to plasma pressure in the inner magnetosphere |
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S001-P18 |
Penetration of ions and evolution of the plasmasphere during magnetic storms: Arase observations |
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S001-P21 |
Inter-channel calibration of the HEP instrument onboard the Arase satellite |
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横山 央明 |
R007-10 |
Parametric decay instability of Alfven waves in the solar wind |
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横山 竜宏 |
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R005-28 |
熱圏鉛直風によるプラズマバブルシーディング |
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横山 祐典 |
R004-P10 |
南太平洋トンガ王国の鍾乳石に対する走査型SQUID顕微鏡を用いた古地磁気測定の適用 |
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横山 佳弘 |
R005-31 |
熱帯の強い降雨時にSwarm衛星が東南アジア上空で観測した磁場変動 |
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R006-12 |
Highly structured FACs near the poleward boundary of the duskside Region 1 during quiet conditions |
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吉岡 和夫 |
R006-P05 |
Axisymmetric conductivities of Jupiter's middle- and low-latitude ionosphere |
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R007-03 |
「ひさき」衛星光学観測による惑星間空間ヘリウムの分布 |
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R009-05 |
イオ火山噴火時のプラズマ質量供給率に対する木星オーロラの応答 |
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R009-06 |
火山活動活発期における木星衛星イオの酸素原子中性雲の分布 |
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R009-07 |
Azimuthal variation in the Io plasma torus observed by the Hisaki satellite from 2013 to 2016 |
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R009-12 |
超小型探査機による大気・プラズマの光学観測 |
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R009-16 |
ひさき・あかつき同時観測による金星雲層・熱圏上下結合の研究 |
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R009-P14 |
荷電粒子照射による宇宙風化再現実験で明らかにする氷衛星の内部進化 |
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吉川 顕正 |
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R006-18 |
Revisiting the dynamic process of FAC |
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R006-20 |
Statistical Study of Selective Transport of Energetic Oxygen Ions During Storms in 2013-2017 |
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R006-27 |
Tomography analysis of westward traveling surge observed in February, 2018 |
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R006-P05 |
Axisymmetric conductivities of Jupiter's middle- and low-latitude ionosphere |
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R006-P06 |
FLRの自動同定とそれを用いた磁気嵐中の磁気圏プラズマ密度の解析 |
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R006-P09 |
Pc4脈動とオーロラストリーマの動態解明に向けて |
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R010-04 |
磁気擾乱時における中低緯度領域電磁誘導応答の研究 |
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R010-05 |
The relationship between plasma bubbles and EEJ, CEJ |
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R010-17 |
Propagation of Pi2 pulsation from nightside to dayside: Observations and modeling |
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R010-P09 |
Global response of Magnetic field and Ionosonde observations to intense solar flares |
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R010-P10 |
Variation of Schumann Resonance during the intense solar activity from October to November, 2003 |
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S001-P03 |
Contribution of ULF and chorus waves to the radiation belt dynamics |
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S001-P09 |
Characteristics of temporal variation of AKR and Pi 2 observed by ARASE and MAGDAS: Initial results |
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吉川 一朗 |
R006-P05 |
Axisymmetric conductivities of Jupiter's middle- and low-latitude ionosphere |
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R007-03 |
「ひさき」衛星光学観測による惑星間空間ヘリウムの分布 |
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R009-05 |
イオ火山噴火時のプラズマ質量供給率に対する木星オーロラの応答 |
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R009-06 |
火山活動活発期における木星衛星イオの酸素原子中性雲の分布 |
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R009-07 |
Azimuthal variation in the Io plasma torus observed by the Hisaki satellite from 2013 to 2016 |
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R009-08 |
イオプラズマトーラスのエネルギー収支 |
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R009-12 |
超小型探査機による大気・プラズマの光学観測 |
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R009-16 |
ひさき・あかつき同時観測による金星雲層・熱圏上下結合の研究 |
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吉田 奈央 |
R005-11 |
Evolution of aerosol profile and convective instability in the middle atmosphere on Mars |
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R009-14 |
Seasonal variation of the homopause altitudes on Mars derived from MAVEN/IUVS observations |
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R009-15 |
Exploring the Atmosphere of Mars: Belgium-Japan partnership 2017-2019 |
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R009-P10 |
Mars mesospheric zonal wind at global dust storm 2018 |
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吉原 貴之 |
R010-15 |
GBAS電離圏脅威モデルのためのプラズマバブル発生頻度及びスケールサイズ解析 |
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吉村 令慧 |
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R003-02 |
Heterogeneous electrical resistivity image around the Slow Slip Events beneath the Bungo Channel |
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R003-P01 |
再解析network-MTデータによる阿蘇カルデラの3次元比抵抗分布モデル |
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R003-P05 |
Wideband Magnetotelluric Survey across the Dabbahu Rift in the Afar Depression, Ethiopia |
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R003-P07 |
四国西部におけるネットワークMT観測について |
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米田 格 |
R003-02 |
Heterogeneous electrical resistivity image around the Slow Slip Events beneath the Bungo Channel |
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