著者 |
発表者 |
招待 講演 |
講演番号 |
ショートタイトル |
予稿集本文 |
寺澤 敏夫 |
R007-08 |
かにパルサーの太陽掩蔽による5-14 Rsにおけるコロナプラズマ密度測定 |
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寺田 健太郎 |
R009-02 |
太陽風イオンによるスパッタリングを利用した小型天体の遠隔質量分析 |
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寺田 直樹 |
R006-34 |
X線天文衛星「すざく」を用いた地球磁気圏における電荷交換X線発光イベントの系統解析 |
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R007-P02 |
4期間にわたる「ひさき」衛星による惑星間空間ヘリウム分布の光学観測 |
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R008-P08 |
太陽風と火星起源イオンのフォボス表面への衝突の数値実験 |
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R009-10 |
Effects of the intrinsic magnetic field on the ion loss from Mars at 3.5 Ga and 4.5 Ga |
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R009-16 |
Unexpected warm layer in the summer nightside mesosphere of Mars |
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R009-P03 |
太陽系天体の宇宙風化再現実験に向けた汎用プラズマ照射装置の開発 |
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R009-P20 |
Effects of the IMF direction on ion escape under a weak intrinsic magnetic field condition at Mars |
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R009-P21 |
Atmospheric compositions in the Martian ionosphere/thermosphere observed by NGIMS and IUVS on MAVEN |
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R009-P23 |
2018年全球ダストストームによる火星中間圏東西風加速 |
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R009-P25 |
火星古気候の大気・水圏結合モデリング:Valley network再現に向けて |
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寺本 万里子 |
R006-04 |
Ionospheric flow fluctuations at mid-latitudes during magnetic storms |
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R006-22 |
Contribution of minor ion species to the ring current: Arase (ERG) satellite observations |
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R006-52 |
Correlations of low-energy electrons with chorus emissions observed by ERG: An event study |
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R006-54 |
Outer Belt Flux Enhancement Associated With High-Speed Streams |
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R006-P14 |
あらせ衛星が観測したPi2地磁気脈動 |
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R006-P19 |
Direct detection of nonlinear generation process of EMIC emissions observed by the Arase spacecraft |
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R006-P23 |
Drift resonance of energetic electrons with Pc 4-5 ULF waves and modulation of whistler-mode chorus |
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R006-P26 |
Electric current evolution associated with the magnetic dipolarization in the inner magnetosphere |
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R006-P27 |
Longitudinal Structure of Oxygen Torus and Its Coincidence with EMIC Wave in the Inner Magnetosphere |
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R006-P28 |
Extremely collimated electron beams observed by the ERG satellite |
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R006-P32 |
Validation of High-energy electron detector simulator for the HEP instruments onboard Arase |
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R006-P33 |
Inter-channel calibration of Arase/HEP instrument |
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R006-P37 |
Development of ASIC-based fluxgate magnetometer and its flight proof on RockSat-XN sounding rocket |
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R010-02 |
長寿命の2つピークのリングカレント帯プラズマ圧空間構造 |
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R010-08 |
九州工業大学宇宙環境技術ラボラトリーの活動報告 |
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