著者 |
発表者 |
招待 講演 |
講演番号 |
ショートタイトル |
予稿集本文 |
傅 維正 |
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R005-19 |
3-D imaging of daytime mid-latitude sporadic E over Japan with ground-based GNSS data |
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深澤 伊吹 |
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R008-05 |
Study on Electric Field Sensor Impedance in Magnetized Plasma by PIC Simulation. |
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深沢 圭一郎 |
R006-03 |
Implementation of Alfvenic Coupling in Global MHD Magnetosphere Simulation |
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R008-01 |
Application of CoToCoA to MHD and micro-scale simulations of the magnetosphere |
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深見 岳弘 |
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R006-11 |
Contribution of magnetospheric pressure inhomogeneities to SAPS Wave Structures: Arase and SuperDARN conjugated observations |
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吹澤 瑞貴 |
R005-02 |
Improvement of the Auroral Computed Tomography analysis method for each aurora type |
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R005-03 |
オーロラコンピュータトモグラフィによる脈動オーロラの3次元構造と降下電子の再構成 |
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R005-04 |
Simultaneous pulsating aurora and microburst observations with ground-based fast auroral imagers and CubeSat FIREBIRD-II |
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福岡 智司 |
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R010-28 |
Development of radiation belt forecast model based on the recurrent neural network |
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福田 祐仁 |
R008-25 |
2つのパルスを用いた高効率な航跡場加速によるGeVプロトン生成 |
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藤井 昌和 |
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R004-01 |
Near-seafloor magnetic anomaly reveals geomagnetic field fluctuation during 29?33 Myr |
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R004-02 |
Magnetic and gravity constraints on crustal structure of the Nosappu Fracture Zone, Northwestern Pacific |
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R004-12 |
Paleomagnetic directions and intensities from volcanic rocks in the Tendaho Graben in the Afar depression, Ethiopia |
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藤木 謙一 |
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R007-02 |
Distribution of Solar Wind Sources at the solar surface from 1985 to 2016 |
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藤澤 由貴子 |
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R009-37 |
金星探査機「あかつき」の水平風速を用いた客観解析データ作成の試み |
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藤田 茂 |
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R006-01 |
SCのPI電流の詳細な解析結果について |
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R006-38 |
磁気圏尾部“乗り換えリコネクション"の磁場トポロジー |
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伏見 亮祐 |
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R005-35 |
GPS 電波掩蔽観測を用いた東北地方太平洋沖地震に伴う津波による電離圏擾乱の高度分布解析 |
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藤本 晶子 |
R010-14 |
磁気赤道域における特異的な太陽フレア効果(SFE*)の発生要因の探究 |
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R010-19 |
Development of an autonomous FM-CW ionospheric observation system based on reinforcement learning |
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R010-20 |
Progress of the SDR-based dual-band scintillation detector development and its application for space weather study |
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R010-22 |
Seasonal and long-term variations in the Schumann Resonance observed at Kuju Japan |
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R010-23 |
Characteristics of dusk-side IHFAC polarity during storm and quiet times |
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R010-24 |
Feasibility Study of Space Weather Observation by CubeSat in LEO |
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R010-30 |
磁場・電界観測に基づく極域・中緯度電離圏の応答の解明 |
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S001-03 |
中間圏・熱圏・電離圏(MTI)分科会における2030年代までのMTI結合過程の理解に向けた将来構想 |
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藤本 正樹 |
R006-09 |
地球磁気圏X線撮像計画 GEO-X の現状 |
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藤森 隆彰 |
R005-53 |
ノルウェー・トロムソにおけるミリ波分光観測装置を用いた中層大気微量分子観測 |
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R005-54 |
ノルウェー・トロムソにおけるNO柱密度の導出と、高エネルギー電子の降り込みとの関係性の考察に関する研究 |
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藤吉 康志 |
R005-47 |
2020年および2021年における北海道での夜光雲観測状況および補足率向上に向けたイメージャーの開発 |
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藤原 均 |
R005-09 |
観測との比較によるGAIA極域改良版の再現性評価 |
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R005-38 |
火星熱圏電離圏にみられる密度擾乱の励起源 |
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R005-41 |
大気圏電離圏モデルGAIAによる地磁気静穏時の平均的熱圏・電離圏変動の再現性評価と課題 |
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R010-15 |
太陽活動がスポラディックE層に与える影響 |
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S002-08 |
GAIA長期計算のIUGONETメタデータおよびDOI登録に向けて |
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藤原 悠也 |
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R008-20 |
Parametric dependence of whistler-mode triggered emissions in a homogeneous magnetic field |
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二穴 喜文 |
R009-29 |
太陽高エネルギー粒子が火星オゾンに与える影響の評価 |
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船瀬 龍 |
R006-09 |
地球磁気圏X線撮像計画 GEO-X の現状 |
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古川 邦之 |
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R004-06 |
An improved apparent polar wander path for southwest Japan: Cenozoic multiphase rotations with respect to the Asian continent |
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フンステン ハーバート |
R006-66 |
高感度全天カメラとVan Allen Probes衛星によるサブオーロラ帯孤立プロトンオーロラの複数例同時観測 |
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