著者 |
発表者 |
招待 講演 |
講演番号 |
ショートタイトル |
予稿集本文 |
IUGONETプロジェクトチーム 林 寛生 |
B010-10 |
Characteristics between the equatorial electrojet and neutral wind |
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行松 彰 |
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B005-24 |
SuperDARNによるドップラー速度、電場、及び、電離圏屈折率推定の改善 |
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B006-P001 |
極域昼夜境界近傍の電離圏電流系 |
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行竹 洋平 |
A003-P002 |
箱根地震活動域周辺の3次元比抵抗モデリング |
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湯元 清文 |
B005-P045 |
Relation between the local equatorial electrojet and global Sq current system |
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B006-12 |
Global-mode Pc 5 pulsations: Ground distribution and correlation with energetic particles |
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B006-37 |
インダクション磁力計観測による磁気低緯度IPDPの発見 |
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B006-46 |
The Response of the Dayside Equatorial Electrojet to Step-like Changes of IMF Bz |
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B006-P007 |
地上低緯度と静止軌道で同時観測されたPi 2の強度の統計解析 |
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B006-P008 |
Substorm current wedge model for Pi 2 pulsation revisited with the morphology of the global Pi 2 |
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B006-P010 |
The relationship between Solar Wind Parameters and Dayside Equatorial Pc 4 Pulsations |
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B010-01 |
MAGDAS/CPMN地上磁場からの210°磁気子午面上プラズマ圏密度推定:初期結果 |
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B010-10 |
Characteristics between the equatorial electrojet and neutral wind |
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B010-P006 |
Sudden Impulse Event Detected by FMCW Doppler Observation on 14 July, 2012. |
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S001-09 |
2011年東北地方太平洋沖地震後にみられた電離圏変動起因の地磁気変動 |
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S001-P002 |
Seismo-electromagnetic anomalies in ELF range observed by an induction magnetometer in Kuju |
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S001-P003 |
Exploration of the Possible Relationship between Magnetic Pulsations and Earthquakes |
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