著者 |
発表者 |
招待 講演 |
講演番号 |
ショートタイトル |
予稿集本文 |
東尾 奈々 |
R006-02 |
Sequence of Pi2 Pulsations and Poloidal Standing Alfven Waves Observed in the Midnight Sector |
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R006-P19 |
QZSとMAGDASによる磁気圏FAC−電離圏電流回路の長期間同時観測:統計解析 |
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S001-06 |
Numerical calculations for flux enhancement of radiation belt electrons |
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S001-08 |
Observation of relativistic electron loss by EMIC waves: Arase and PWING collaboration |
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S001-11 |
Atmospheric impacts of auroral electrons as observed by Arase and Syowa observations |
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S001-12 |
Software-type Wave-Particle Interaction Analyzer on board the ARASE satellite |
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S001-24 |
Initial results of the extremely high-energy electron experiment (XEP) onboard theArase satellite |
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S001-25 |
あらせ衛星の準リアルタイムデータを利用した放射線帯変動予測 |
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S001-26 |
ERGが観測した高エネルギー電子fluxの準周期的な振動について |
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S001-29 |
Comparison of events with prominent fluctuations common to ERG/Arase particle and wave observations |
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S001-34 |
Evolution of ionospheric convection and ULFs during the 27 March 2017 storm: ERG-SuperDARN campaign |
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S001-P03 |
Data processing in the Software-type wave-particle interaction analyzer onboard the ARASE satellite |
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S001-P06 |
Energetic electrons observed at higher latitude region of the plasma sheet near the radiation belt |
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S001-P13 |
Global distribution of ULF waves during magnetic storms on March 27, 2017 and April 4, 2017 |
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S001-P14 |
Energy spectra variations of high energy electrons in magnetic storms observed by ARASE and HIMAWARI |
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S001-P15 |
Calibration of HEP onboard Arase and investigation of flux drop out of the outer belt during storms |
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S001-P29 |
Rapid acceleration of relativistic electrons associated with solar wind pressure pulse |
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S001-P30 |
Multipoint observation of Pc5 pulsations by QZS-1, THEMIS, and MAGDAS/KTN on the same L shell |
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S001-P31 |
Simultaneous observations of magnetic field dipolarization by Arase and Michibiki satellites |
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疋島 充 |
S001-01 |
Geospace Exploration Project ERG(Arase); overview of the mission |
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S001-02 |
Overview and initial results of the PWE on board Arase |
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* |
S001-12 |
Software-type Wave-Particle Interaction Analyzer on board the ARASE satellite |
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S001-15 |
Coordinated Arase satellite and ground-based observations of pulsating electron and proton auroras |
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S001-31 |
あらせ衛星−地上連携観測で観測された孤立型サブストームの総合解析 |
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S001-P01 |
あらせ衛星搭載のプラズマ波動観測器によって計測された波形データの精密較正 |
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S001-P03 |
Data processing in the Software-type wave-particle interaction analyzer onboard the ARASE satellite |
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S001-P10 |
Absolute Direction Finding Method for the PWE/OFA Data |
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S001-P21 |
コーラス波動が駆動源と考えられる脈動オーロラパッチの時空間解析 |
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S001-P24 |
コーラス波強度変動とアイスランドにおける観測された脈動オーロラの明滅周期の比較 |
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疋田 伶奈 |
R009-03 |
Io-related electron heating in the Io plasma torus: effect of local plasma density around Io |
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ひさき(SPRINT-A)プロジェクトチーム 山崎 敦 |
R007-P03 |
「ひさき」衛星による惑星間空間のヘリウム分布光学観測 |
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R009-P23 |
Variation of ion and electron temperature on Io plasma torus using Hisaki and telescope observations |
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平井 あすか |
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S001-P23 |
Energetic electron precipitation associated with Pc1/EMIC waves: LF-wave observations |
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S001-P26 |
Energetic electron precipitations observed by VLF/LF sub-ionospheric propagation |
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平井 隆之 |
R010-P05 |
Impact evaluation of space weather activities on space debris model |
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平社 信人 |
R009-06 |
CubeSat project for the investigation of the beaming structures of Jupiter's radio emissions |
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平野 晃宏 |
R006-P08 |
信号処理による自然波動現象からのパルス性雑音除去 |
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平原 聖文 |
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R006-17 |
FF-MIT: Formation Flight Mission Exploring the Magnetosphere-Ionosphere-Thermosphere Couplings |
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R006-P04 |
Outflowing Ion Ring Distributions and their Correlation with Low-Frequency Wave Spectra by MMS |
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R006-P26 |
将来オーロラ観測ロケットならびに小型衛星搭載可視・紫外イメージャーの開発 |
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S001-13 |
Medium-Energy Particle experiments - electron analyzer (MEP-e) for the ERG satellite mission |
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S001-19 |
あらせ衛星搭載中間エネルギーイオン分析器 |
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S001-23 |
``High energy Electron exPeriment (HEP)'' onboard the ERG satellite |
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平原 靖大 |
R009-29 |
ヘテロダイン分光器へのファイバー導入と金星中間圏風速温度リトリーバル手法の確立 |
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弘田 瑛士 |
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R005-P34 |
イメージおよびライダー観測による雲のフラクタル次元計測 |
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弘田 澄人 |
R009-10 |
可搬型分光器による木星表面構造の分光観測 |
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