著者 |
発表者 |
招待 講演 |
講演番号 |
ショートタイトル |
予稿集本文 |
香川 亜希子 |
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R005-P05 |
WATEC 大気光イメージャと Swarm 衛星を用いた南極域パッチの統計的性質に関する研究 |
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鍵谷 将人 |
R005-P04 |
オーロラスペクトログラフによる上部電離圏N2+の共鳴散乱光観測 |
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R007-P03 |
「ひさき」衛星による惑星間空間のヘリウム分布光学観測 |
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R009-03 |
Io-related electron heating in the Io plasma torus: effect of local plasma density around Io |
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R009-04 |
ひさき衛星によって観測された木星衛星イオの酸素原子中性雲の空間分布 |
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R009-09 |
電離圏ポテンシャルソルバーによる木星内部磁気圏電場の太陽風応答の研究 |
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R009-P05 |
新規開発ファイバ分光装置による金星紫外観測 |
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R009-P20 |
すばる望遠鏡補償光学系で観測された木星極域のパッチ状赤外オーロラ |
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R009-P22 |
HISAKI衛星で観測された2015年イオ火山噴火におけるIPTのSystem IV周期の変動 |
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R009-P23 |
Variation of ion and electron temperature on Io plasma torus using Hisaki and telescope observations |
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鍵山 恒臣 |
R003-04 |
ACTIVEの結果を用いた三次元インバージョン |
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笠井 康子 |
R009-P02 |
超小型火星探査機搭載THzヘテロダイン分光システムの開発検討 |
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R009-P03 |
Exploring the Atmosphere of Mars and Venus with Remote Observations: A Belgium-Japan partnership |
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笠羽 康正 |
R007-P03 |
「ひさき」衛星による惑星間空間のヘリウム分布光学観測 |
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R009-03 |
Io-related electron heating in the Io plasma torus: effect of local plasma density around Io |
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R009-09 |
電離圏ポテンシャルソルバーによる木星内部磁気圏電場の太陽風応答の研究 |
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R009-14 |
古海洋・厚いCO2大気環境のもとでの火星古気候シミュレーション |
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R009-15 |
GCMを用いた火星の水循環とHDO/H2O同位体分別のシミュレーション:国際連携に向けて |
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R009-18 |
Near infrared spectral imager MacrOmega onboard MMX to investigate martian atmosphere |
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R009-29 |
ヘテロダイン分光器へのファイバー導入と金星中間圏風速温度リトリーバル手法の確立 |
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R009-P01 |
Retrieval of the vertical profile of the water vapor on Mars observed by OMEGA / MEx |
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R009-P02 |
超小型火星探査機搭載THzヘテロダイン分光システムの開発検討 |
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R009-P03 |
Exploring the Atmosphere of Mars and Venus with Remote Observations: A Belgium-Japan partnership |
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R009-P09 |
金星大気大循環モデルによる3次元金星雲分布および大規模運動への結合の研究 |
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R009-P20 |
すばる望遠鏡補償光学系で観測された木星極域のパッチ状赤外オーロラ |
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S001-01 |
Geospace Exploration Project ERG(Arase); overview of the mission |
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S001-02 |
Overview and initial results of the PWE on board Arase |
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S001-03 |
Wire Probe Antenna and Electric Field Detector of PWE / ARASE: Specifications and Evaluation results |
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S001-04 |
Initial results of ARASE/HFA: Plasmasphere evolution and AKR from the both hemisphere |
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S001-09 |
Instantaneous Frequency Analysis on Nonlinear EMIC Emissions: Arase Observation |
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S001-10 |
Simultaneous observations of pulsating aurora with high-speed all-sky cameras and ARASE satellite |
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* |
S001-15 |
Coordinated Arase satellite and ground-based observations of pulsating electron and proton auroras |
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S001-P02 |
Polarization Analyses and Direction Finding via the Continuous Cross-Spectrum Measurement by ERG/PWE |
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S001-P10 |
Absolute Direction Finding Method for the PWE/OFA Data |
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S001-P16 |
あらせ衛星で受信されたKilometric Continuum(速報) |
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S001-P21 |
コーラス波動が駆動源と考えられる脈動オーロラパッチの時空間解析 |
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S001-P29 |
Rapid acceleration of relativistic electrons associated with solar wind pressure pulse |
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笠原 慧 |
R006-P01 |
月付近からの地球磁気圏X線撮像計画 GEO-X |
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S001-01 |
Geospace Exploration Project ERG(Arase); overview of the mission |
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S001-06 |
Numerical calculations for flux enhancement of radiation belt electrons |
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S001-11 |
Atmospheric impacts of auroral electrons as observed by Arase and Syowa observations |
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* |
S001-12 |
Software-type Wave-Particle Interaction Analyzer on board the ARASE satellite |
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S001-13 |
Medium-Energy Particle experiments - electron analyzer (MEP-e) for the ERG satellite mission |
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S001-19 |
あらせ衛星搭載中間エネルギーイオン分析器 |
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S001-20 |
あらせ衛星搭載 LEPi による低エネルギーイオン観測 |
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S001-21 |
Characteristics of molecular ions in the ring current observed by the Arase (ERG) satellite |
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S001-22 |
内部磁気圏プラズマ圧に対するエネルギー帯および粒子種ごとの寄与:あらせMEP-i観測 |
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S001-23 |
``High energy Electron exPeriment (HEP)'' onboard the ERG satellite |
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S001-28 |
Relationship between high-L energetic electrons and the Earth's high-latitude disturbances |
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S001-29 |
Comparison of events with prominent fluctuations common to ERG/Arase particle and wave observations |
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S001-34 |
Evolution of ionospheric convection and ULFs during the 27 March 2017 storm: ERG-SuperDARN campaign |
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S001-P03 |
Data processing in the Software-type wave-particle interaction analyzer onboard the ARASE satellite |
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S001-P04 |
Ion Flux Oscillations and ULF Waves Observed by ARASE Satellite and Their Origin |
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S001-P05 |
Modulation of electron pitch angle distributions observed by MEPe onboard the Arase satellite |
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S001-P06 |
Energetic electrons observed at higher latitude region of the plasma sheet near the radiation belt |
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S001-P12 |
ERG satellite observation of large amplitude Pc5 wave and the O+ drift-bounce resonance |
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S001-P27 |
Analysis of spacecraft surface charging events in MEO |
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S001-P31 |
Simultaneous observations of magnetic field dipolarization by Arase and Michibiki satellites |
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笠原 禎也 |
R006-06 |
アナログ・デジタル混載ASICによるワンチップ新型プラズマ波動スペクトル受信器の開発 |
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R006-P09 |
アナログ・デジタル混載チップによる小型プラズマ波動波形捕捉受信器 |
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R006-P11 |
H+ and O+ ion heating by electromagnetic ELF waves in the dayside cusp based on Akebono observation |
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R006-P25 |
FPGAを用いた汎用スペクトル演算モジュールの開発 |
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R006-P27 |
SS-520-3/LFAS 搭載用デジタル処理部のFPGA モジュールの開発と評価 |
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R011-P03 |
Possible mechanisms of an ESW excitation in the lunar wake boundary |
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S001-01 |
Geospace Exploration Project ERG(Arase); overview of the mission |
表示 |
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S001-02 |
Overview and initial results of the PWE on board Arase |
表示 |
S001-03 |
Wire Probe Antenna and Electric Field Detector of PWE / ARASE: Specifications and Evaluation results |
表示 |
S001-04 |
Initial results of ARASE/HFA: Plasmasphere evolution and AKR from the both hemisphere |
表示 |
S001-06 |
Numerical calculations for flux enhancement of radiation belt electrons |
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S001-09 |
Instantaneous Frequency Analysis on Nonlinear EMIC Emissions: Arase Observation |
表示 |
S001-10 |
Simultaneous observations of pulsating aurora with high-speed all-sky cameras and ARASE satellite |
表示 |
S001-11 |
Atmospheric impacts of auroral electrons as observed by Arase and Syowa observations |
表示 |
* |
S001-12 |
Software-type Wave-Particle Interaction Analyzer on board the ARASE satellite |
表示 |
S001-14 |
Coordinated Arase (ERG) satellite and EISCAT radar observations |
表示 |
* |
S001-15 |
Coordinated Arase satellite and ground-based observations of pulsating electron and proton auroras |
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S001-29 |
Comparison of events with prominent fluctuations common to ERG/Arase particle and wave observations |
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S001-31 |
あらせ衛星−地上連携観測で観測された孤立型サブストームの総合解析 |
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S001-P01 |
あらせ衛星搭載のプラズマ波動観測器によって計測された波形データの精密較正 |
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S001-P02 |
Polarization Analyses and Direction Finding via the Continuous Cross-Spectrum Measurement by ERG/PWE |
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S001-P03 |
Data processing in the Software-type wave-particle interaction analyzer onboard the ARASE satellite |
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S001-P05 |
Modulation of electron pitch angle distributions observed by MEPe onboard the Arase satellite |
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S001-P09 |
あらせ衛星観測データに基づく高密度領域でのコーラス放射と密度変動に関する研究 |
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S001-P10 |
Absolute Direction Finding Method for the PWE/OFA Data |
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S001-P16 |
あらせ衛星で受信されたKilometric Continuum(速報) |
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S001-P21 |
コーラス波動が駆動源と考えられる脈動オーロラパッチの時空間解析 |
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S001-P24 |
コーラス波強度変動とアイスランドにおける観測された脈動オーロラの明滅周期の比較 |
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S001-P29 |
Rapid acceleration of relativistic electrons associated with solar wind pressure pulse |
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風間 洋一 |
S001-01 |
Geospace Exploration Project ERG(Arase); overview of the mission |
表示 |
S001-06 |
Numerical calculations for flux enhancement of radiation belt electrons |
表示 |
S001-11 |
Atmospheric impacts of auroral electrons as observed by Arase and Syowa observations |
表示 |
S001-20 |
あらせ衛星搭載 LEPi による低エネルギーイオン観測 |
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S001-27 |
Low-energy particle experiments - electron analyzer (LEPe) for the Arase mission |
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S001-28 |
Relationship between high-L energetic electrons and the Earth's high-latitude disturbances |
表示 |
S001-29 |
Comparison of events with prominent fluctuations common to ERG/Arase particle and wave observations |
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S001-30 |
Survey of radiation belt low-energy electron fluxes based on the ERG LEP-e measurements |
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S001-34 |
Evolution of ionospheric convection and ULFs during the 27 March 2017 storm: ERG-SuperDARN campaign |
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S001-P06 |
Energetic electrons observed at higher latitude region of the plasma sheet near the radiation belt |
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S001-P09 |
あらせ衛星観測データに基づく高密度領域でのコーラス放射と密度変動に関する研究 |
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笠谷 貴史 |
R003-06 |
Two-Dimensional Inversion of Marine DC Resistivity Survey using FCM Clustering Constraint |
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R003-08 |
周波数領域独立成分分析に基づくMTデータのノイズ除去手法の開発 |
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