著者 |
発表者 |
招待 講演 |
講演番号 |
ショートタイトル |
予稿集本文 |
塚本 果織 |
R003-P06 |
霧島硫黄山でとらえられた2016年熊本地震活動に伴う電磁気シグナルについての第1報 |
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R003-P11 |
Magnetotelluric transect of the Unzen Graben |
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津川 卓也 |
R005-05 |
GPS-TECとHFドップラーを用いた火山噴火に伴う電離圏変動の解析 |
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R005-21 |
Temporal and spatial variations of storm-time ionospheric irregularities as seen in GPS-TEC data |
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R005-25 |
Daytime TIDs over Japan by ground-satellite observations by the GPS-TEC network and the CHAMP |
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R005-26 |
GPS-地上受信機網により観測された中規模伝搬性電離圏擾乱の成長特性の研究 |
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R005-P01 |
Recent activities and future plans of NICT ionospheric observations |
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R005-P13 |
衛星搭載合成開口レーダー観測に対する中規模伝搬性電離圏擾乱の影響 |
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R005-P14 |
地上隣接2観測点での磁場の差分データを用いた、MSTIDに伴う地上磁場変動の統計解析 |
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R010-08 |
Recent activity of HF-START |
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R010-15 |
GAIA結果を用いた電離圏嵐指数評価 |
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R010-P12 |
全球TECデータに見られる磁気嵐時の電離圏・プラズマ圏の時空間変動 |
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津川 靖基 |
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R006-P02 |
マグネットシース・磁気圏における多点衛星観測データを用いた波動ベクトル解析の検証 |
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辻根 成 |
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R008-P08 |
Parameter tuning of a 5th order Conservative and Non-oscillatory Scheme for Vlasov simulations |
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辻本 元博 |
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R004-17 |
伊能忠敬の山島方位記から十九世紀初頭の日本の地磁気偏角を解析する。第六回報告 |
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津田 卓雄 |
R005-32 |
Vertical motion in the winter polar MLT region using the sodium LIDAR at Tromsoe |
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R005-P03 |
Observations of auroral spectra in EISCAT radar site, Tromso, Norway |
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R005-P23 |
単結晶サファイアを用いた磁気光学狭帯域フィルタ開発 |
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R005-P24 |
南極昭和基地における波長可変共鳴散乱ライダー観測の現状 |
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S001-37 |
原子大気オーロラ輝線777.4 nmへの分子大気オーロラ輝線の影響評価 |
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津田 敏隆 |
R005-P26 |
大気成層構造の小型無人航空機・MUレーダー同時観測 |
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津田 雄一 |
R006-17 |
FF-MIT: Formation Flight Mission Exploring the Magnetosphere-Ionosphere-Thermosphere Couplings |
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土屋 智 |
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R005-28 |
陸別・信楽の大気光画像を用いた中間圏重力波・TIDの水平位相速度分布 |
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土屋 史紀 |
R005-03 |
D-region ionospheric signatures in LF standard radio waves after the 2011 Tohoku Earthquake |
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R007-P01 |
情報通信研究機構−東北大学統合太陽電波観測データアーカイブ |
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R007-P02 |
伝搬性ファストソーセージモード波動により変調された太陽電波ゼブラパターンの観測 |
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R007-P03 |
「ひさき」衛星による惑星間空間のヘリウム分布光学観測 |
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R009-03 |
Io-related electron heating in the Io plasma torus: effect of local plasma density around Io |
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R009-04 |
ひさき衛星によって観測された木星衛星イオの酸素原子中性雲の空間分布 |
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R009-08 |
Jupiter's aurora observed by Hisaki and Hubble Space Telescope during Juno's approach phase |
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R009-09 |
電離圏ポテンシャルソルバーによる木星内部磁気圏電場の太陽風応答の研究 |
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R009-P16 |
ひさき衛星による木星磁気圏観測とグローバルMHDシミュレーションの連携解析の概要 |
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R009-P17 |
Solar wind influence on Jupiter's inner magnetosphere derived from the global MHD simulation |
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R009-P18 |
Global MHDシミュレーションを用いた木星オーロラの太陽風応答に関する研究 |
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R009-P19 |
磁気圏グローバルモデルを用いた木星オーロラ増光時の磁気圏ダイナミクス |
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R009-P21 |
Global MHD simulation of Jovian magnetosphere for observations and micro scale simulations |
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R009-P22 |
HISAKI衛星で観測された2015年イオ火山噴火におけるIPTのSystem IV周期の変動 |
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R009-P23 |
Variation of ion and electron temperature on Io plasma torus using Hisaki and telescope observations |
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R009-P24 |
A study on long-term variation of Jupiter's synchrotron radiation associated with solar wind |
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R009-P25 |
Study of the correlation between nKOM and reconnection in the Jovian magnetosphere |
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R009-P26 |
木星ヘクトメータ電波の発生特性の再考 |
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S001-02 |
Overview and initial results of the PWE on board Arase |
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S001-03 |
Wire Probe Antenna and Electric Field Detector of PWE / ARASE: Specifications and Evaluation results |
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S001-04 |
Initial results of ARASE/HFA: Plasmasphere evolution and AKR from the both hemisphere |
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S001-06 |
Numerical calculations for flux enhancement of radiation belt electrons |
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S001-10 |
Simultaneous observations of pulsating aurora with high-speed all-sky cameras and ARASE satellite |
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S001-15 |
Coordinated Arase satellite and ground-based observations of pulsating electron and proton auroras |
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S001-31 |
あらせ衛星−地上連携観測で観測された孤立型サブストームの総合解析 |
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S001-38 |
PWINGプロジェクトによるサブオーロラ帯における内部磁気圏プラズマ・波動計測の現状 |
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S001-P05 |
Modulation of electron pitch angle distributions observed by MEPe onboard the Arase satellite |
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S001-P09 |
あらせ衛星観測データに基づく高密度領域でのコーラス放射と密度変動に関する研究 |
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S001-P10 |
Absolute Direction Finding Method for the PWE/OFA Data |
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S001-P16 |
あらせ衛星で受信されたKilometric Continuum(速報) |
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S001-P21 |
コーラス波動が駆動源と考えられる脈動オーロラパッチの時空間解析 |
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S001-P23 |
Energetic electron precipitation associated with Pc1/EMIC waves: LF-wave observations |
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S001-P24 |
コーラス波強度変動とアイスランドにおける観測された脈動オーロラの明滅周期の比較 |
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S001-P26 |
Energetic electron precipitations observed by VLF/LF sub-ionospheric propagation |
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S001-P29 |
Rapid acceleration of relativistic electrons associated with solar wind pressure pulse |
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堤 雅基 |
R005-29 |
OH大気光イメージャ観測を用いた、南極昭和・Davis基地上空の中間圏重力波の伝播特性 |
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R005-32 |
Vertical motion in the winter polar MLT region using the sodium LIDAR at Tromsoe |
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R005-P33 |
Polar mesosphere winter echoes over Syowa and Davis, Antarctica, obtained using PANSY and MF radars |
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S001-11 |
Atmospheric impacts of auroral electrons as observed by Arase and Syowa observations |
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S001-31 |
あらせ衛星−地上連携観測で観測された孤立型サブストームの総合解析 |
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綱川 秀夫 |
R004-04 |
白亜紀入遠野花崗岩から分離した鉱物単結晶の岩石磁気及び古地磁気強度測定 |
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R007-08 |
太陽風中の月のウェイク中のKH不安定的な磁場変動について |
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R011-02 |
Current balance at the lunar night-side surface in the terrestrial foreshock |
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R011-P02 |
True polar wander of the early Moon estimated from small isolated magnetic anomalies on the SVM map |
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R011-P03 |
Possible mechanisms of an ESW excitation in the lunar wake boundary |
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津野 克彦 |
R005-P24 |
南極昭和基地における波長可変共鳴散乱ライダー観測の現状 |
表示 |
坪内 健 |
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R007-09 |
Evolution of pickup ion density structures in the outer heliosheath |
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