著者 |
発表者 |
招待 講演 |
講演番号 |
ショートタイトル |
予稿集本文 |
草野 完也 |
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R010-10 |
太陽地球圏環境予測プロジェクト:宇宙天気の理解と予測の相乗的発展を目指して |
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久保 勇樹 |
R005-P31 |
プラズマバブル監視用地上設置型リアルタイム全天観測システムの開発 |
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R009-08 |
火星における宇宙放射線被ばくの予測 |
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R010-18 |
1989年3月ケベック大停電太陽嵐再考 |
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R010-P03 |
情報通信研究機構太陽観測データベース |
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R010-P05 |
Real-time magnetosphere simulator for space weather using REProduce Plasma Universe code |
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R010-P07 |
Data-driven model for the dynamics of the outer radiation belt |
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久保田 尚之 |
R005-26 |
2018年に発生した台風の強度発達と雷活動との関係 |
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久保田 康文 |
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R010-P05 |
Real-time magnetosphere simulator for space weather using REProduce Plasma Universe code |
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熊谷 祐穂 |
R004-01 |
帯磁率異方性による赤色泥中の生物源磁鉄鉱の定向配列推定 |
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熊本 篤志 |
R004-07 |
異なる内核半径における地球ダイナモに対する温度勾配に関する境界条件の効果について |
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R005-04 |
S-310-44号機観測ロケットによって観測されたSq電流系におけるVLF帯波動の解析 |
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R005-05 |
Lower hybrid resonance (LHR) waves around the Sq current focus in the winter lower ionosphere |
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R005-P22 |
S-310-44号機観測ロケットによって観測されたSq電流系付近のDC電場の解析 |
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R006-07 |
Dynamics of the Ionosphere/Plasmasphere System: Comparisons Between Arase/PWE and the IPE Model |
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R006-15 |
あらせ(ERG)で観測されたヘクトメータ線スペクトルの励起源と波動特性 |
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R006-27 |
あらせ衛星で観測されたSARアークのソース領域における初めてのプラズマ・電磁場観測 |
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R006-32 |
Arase衛星S-WPIA解析におけるプラズマ波動及び粒子の較正に関する評価 |
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R006-44 |
あらせ衛星と線形解析による電子サイクロトロン高調波とその発生環境に関する考察 |
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R006-46 |
Comparison of EMIC wave distributions between the magnetic equator and higher magnetic latitudes |
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R006-52 |
Correlations of low-energy electrons with chorus emissions observed by ERG: An event study |
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R006-53 |
Evaluation of Automatic Electron Density Determination by using a Convolutional Neural Network |
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R006-54 |
Outer Belt Flux Enhancement Associated With High-Speed Streams |
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R006-P13 |
One-to-one correspondence between the vertical evolution of AKR and global high-correlation Pi 2 |
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R006-P14 |
あらせ衛星が観測したPi2地磁気脈動 |
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R006-P23 |
Drift resonance of energetic electrons with Pc 4-5 ULF waves and modulation of whistler-mode chorus |
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R006-P27 |
Longitudinal Structure of Oxygen Torus and Its Coincidence with EMIC Wave in the Inner Magnetosphere |
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R006-P34 |
あらせ衛星で取得した波形観測データのゲインと位相の較正法 |
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R009-15 |
大学規模の太陽系地上観測所、その将来計画:東北大の場合 |
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蔵満 康浩 |
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R008-12 |
Experimental investigations on space and astrophysical phenomena with intense lasers |
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栗田 怜 |
R005-16 |
ISSからのデジタルカメラ観測を用いた脈動オーロラ時空間特性の広域可視化 |
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R006-08 |
高エネルギー電子降下によるcosmic noise absorption(CNA)の変動とオーロラの形態変化 |
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R006-09 |
Syowa-Arase-Tjoernes conjugate observation of auroral breakup and pulsating aurora |
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R006-10 |
Spatial distribution of multiple temporal variations of pulsating aurora |
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R006-11 |
Large-scale signatures of pulsating aurora characterized by ambient parameters in the magnetosphere |
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R006-12 |
Optical observations of isolated proton aurora from low-altitude satellite during magnetic storm |
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R006-32 |
Arase衛星S-WPIA解析におけるプラズマ波動及び粒子の較正に関する評価 |
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R006-49 |
Strong diffusion of energetic electrons by chorus waves in the dawnside magnetosphere |
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R006-54 |
Outer Belt Flux Enhancement Associated With High-Speed Streams |
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R006-P14 |
あらせ衛星が観測したPi2地磁気脈動 |
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R006-P18 |
Statistical study of EMIC wave-related electron precipitation at subauroral latitude |
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R006-P21 |
Arase observation of electron pitch angle scattering by Electrostatic Cyclotron Harmonic waves |
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R006-P26 |
Electric current evolution associated with the magnetic dipolarization in the inner magnetosphere |
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R006-P27 |
Longitudinal Structure of Oxygen Torus and Its Coincidence with EMIC Wave in the Inner Magnetosphere |
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R006-P32 |
Validation of High-energy electron detector simulator for the HEP instruments onboard Arase |
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R006-P33 |
Inter-channel calibration of Arase/HEP instrument |
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栗原 純一 |
R005-P05 |
ノルウェーのトロムソで観測された脈動オーロラ発光の波長特性 |
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栗原 行人 |
R004-10 |
西南日本,一志層群下部の古地磁気 |
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黒瀬 渉太 |
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R006-P35 |
あらせ衛星で観測されたコーラス波動の自動検出手法の検討 |
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黒田 剛史 |
R009-16 |
Unexpected warm layer in the summer nightside mesosphere of Mars |
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R009-18 |
火星全球気候モデリングの精緻化:重力波と水輸送 |
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R009-P15 |
アルマを用いた木星放射線帯変動メカニズムの解明に向けて |
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R009-P23 |
2018年全球ダストストームによる火星中間圏東西風加速 |
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R009-P25 |
火星古気候の大気・水圏結合モデリング:Valley network再現に向けて |
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加 三千宣 |
R004-05 |
別府湾のピストンコア試料に記録された完新世古地磁気永年変化 |
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桑原 義博 |
R004-P06 |
鉱物分析結果に基づく考古地磁気強度データの精査 |
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桑原 正輝 |
R006-P01 |
EUV imaging observation for Earth's plasmasphere |
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R007-02 |
2018-19年のひさき-NICER協調観測で発見された近接連星系の恒星フレア |
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R009-P09 |
小天体大気の水素・重水素遠隔観測に向けた吸収セルのフィラメント開発 |
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R009-P10 |
超小型極端紫外撮像装置に用いる電子回路部の放射線耐性評価 |
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R009-P22 |
Development of the hydrogen absorption cell imager for observation of planetary coronas |
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