著者 |
発表者 |
招待 講演 |
講演番号 |
ショートタイトル |
予稿集本文 |
三浦 勉 |
R003-07 |
繰り返し注水実験から推定される野島断層の回復過程 |
表示 |
三木 淳平 |
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R006-32 |
Arase衛星S-WPIA解析におけるプラズマ波動及び粒子の較正に関する評価 |
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R006-P34 |
あらせ衛星で取得した波形観測データのゲインと位相の較正法 |
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三澤 浩昭 |
R006-P18 |
Statistical study of EMIC wave-related electron precipitation at subauroral latitude |
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R009-06 |
Spiral structure of hot electron in the inner magnetosphere of Jupiter |
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R009-15 |
大学規模の太陽系地上観測所、その将来計画:東北大の場合 |
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R009-P15 |
アルマを用いた木星放射線帯変動メカニズムの解明に向けて |
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R009-P16 |
木星放射線帯と磁気圏尾部再結合現象との関連性の探査 - II |
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水野 亮 |
R005-P05 |
ノルウェーのトロムソで観測された脈動オーロラ発光の波長特性 |
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R005-P38 |
ラグランジュ型化学輸送モデルによる中間圏大気組成の短期変動機構の研究 |
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三谷 烈史 |
R006-39 |
あらせ衛星のHEP観測器による内帯・スロット領域でのMeVプロトン観測 |
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R006-54 |
Outer Belt Flux Enhancement Associated With High-Speed Streams |
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R006-P23 |
Drift resonance of energetic electrons with Pc 4-5 ULF waves and modulation of whistler-mode chorus |
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R006-P25 |
MeV electrons observed at the plasma sheet boundary |
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R006-P26 |
Electric current evolution associated with the magnetic dipolarization in the inner magnetosphere |
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R006-P32 |
Validation of High-energy electron detector simulator for the HEP instruments onboard Arase |
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R006-P33 |
Inter-channel calibration of Arase/HEP instrument |
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R006-P39 |
観測パッケージPARM-HEPによる脈動オーロラに伴うマイクロバースト現象の観測 |
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南 拓人 |
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R003-02 |
ACTIVEから推定される2014年阿蘇山マグマ噴火時の連続的な比抵抗構造時間変化モデル |
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R004-06 |
Forecasts of geomagnetic secular variation using core surface flow models |
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R004-P09 |
Data assimilation for prediction of geomagnetic secular variation |
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簑島 敬 |
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R008-08 |
磁気流体力学方程式に対する多状態AUSM系スキーム |
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宮岡 宏 |
R006-08 |
高エネルギー電子降下によるcosmic noise absorption(CNA)の変動とオーロラの形態変化 |
表示 |
三宅 晶子 |
R009-08 |
火星における宇宙放射線被ばくの予測 |
表示 |
三宅 壮聡 |
R005-04 |
S-310-44号機観測ロケットによって観測されたSq電流系におけるVLF帯波動の解析 |
表示 |
三宅 洋平 |
R006-P30 |
衛星帯電緩和ビームによるプローブ電場計測干渉に関する粒子シミュレーション |
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R008-P08 |
太陽風と火星起源イオンのフォボス表面への衝突の数値実験 |
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R009-P03 |
太陽系天体の宇宙風化再現実験に向けた汎用プラズマ照射装置の開発 |
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R009-P04 |
電子反射法を用いた太陽風中での月面磁場強度推定と太陽風動圧依存性 |
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R010-P04 |
Development of cross-reference framework for macro- and micro-scale simulations of the magnetosphere |
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三宅 亙 |
R006-39 |
あらせ衛星のHEP観測器による内帯・スロット領域でのMeVプロトン観測 |
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宮崎 真一 |
R005-10 |
Simulation on formation mechanisms of various structures of sporadic E layer |
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宮下 拓也 |
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R006-21 |
Energetic electron precipitations showing ULF modulation observed by VLF/LF standard radio waves |
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宮原 ひろ子 |
R004-02 |
樹木年輪中の微量磁性物質検出 |
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宮本 明歩 |
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R009-P23 |
2018年全球ダストストームによる火星中間圏東西風加速 |
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宮本 太志朗 |
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R006-08 |
高エネルギー電子降下によるcosmic noise absorption(CNA)の変動とオーロラの形態変化 |
表示 |
三好 隆博 |
R008-08 |
磁気流体力学方程式に対する多状態AUSM系スキーム |
表示 |
三好 勉信 |
R005-08 |
Comparison of the daytime MSTID between GPS observation and GAIA simulation |
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R005-20 |
プラネタリー波が電離圏変動に及ぼす影響 |
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R005-22 |
赤道成層圏を介した南北半球間結合 |
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R005-P06 |
Characteristics of the ionospheric variations in the dayside polar region |
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R005-P07 |
長期計算に向けたGAIA極域入力の改良 |
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R005-P40 |
間圏・下部熱圏における季節内振動と成層圏準2年周期振動及び成層圏半年振動との相関 |
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R010-06 |
リアルタイムGAIAを用いたスポラディックE層発生予測 |
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R010-07 |
熱圏データ同化システムの開発と宇宙機軌道解析ツールとの連携 |
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R010-P11 |
大気圏−電離圏結合モデルGAIA新バージョンの開発と性能評価 |
表示 |
三好 由純 |
R005-15 |
大型大気レーダーPANSYで観測される中間圏エコー強度のオーロラ活動依存性 |
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R005-16 |
ISSからのデジタルカメラ観測を用いた脈動オーロラ時空間特性の広域可視化 |
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R006-04 |
Ionospheric flow fluctuations at mid-latitudes during magnetic storms |
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R006-07 |
Dynamics of the Ionosphere/Plasmasphere System: Comparisons Between Arase/PWE and the IPE Model |
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R006-08 |
高エネルギー電子降下によるcosmic noise absorption(CNA)の変動とオーロラの形態変化 |
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R006-09 |
Syowa-Arase-Tjoernes conjugate observation of auroral breakup and pulsating aurora |
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R006-10 |
Spatial distribution of multiple temporal variations of pulsating aurora |
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R006-11 |
Large-scale signatures of pulsating aurora characterized by ambient parameters in the magnetosphere |
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R006-15 |
あらせ(ERG)で観測されたヘクトメータ線スペクトルの励起源と波動特性 |
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R006-21 |
Energetic electron precipitations showing ULF modulation observed by VLF/LF standard radio waves |
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R006-22 |
Contribution of minor ion species to the ring current: Arase (ERG) satellite observations |
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R006-24 |
環電流イオンとのドリフトバウンス共鳴によって励起されるULF波動の研究 |
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R006-26 |
Statistical analysis for trunk structure of ring current ions using Arase ion observations |
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R006-27 |
あらせ衛星で観測されたSARアークのソース領域における初めてのプラズマ・電磁場観測 |
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R006-28 |
Molecular ion upflow observed by EISCAT in conjunction with Arase during the Sep. 7, 2017 storm |
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R006-32 |
Arase衛星S-WPIA解析におけるプラズマ波動及び粒子の較正に関する評価 |
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R006-34 |
X線天文衛星「すざく」を用いた地球磁気圏における電荷交換X線発光イベントの系統解析 |
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R006-39 |
あらせ衛星のHEP観測器による内帯・スロット領域でのMeVプロトン観測 |
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R006-40 |
Flux decrease of outer radiation belt electrons associated with solar wind pressure |
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R006-41 |
Relative contribution of ULF and chorus waves to the radiation belt variation |
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R006-42 |
Global spatio-temporal development of magnetospheric ELF/VLF waves by observation and RAM simulation |
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R006-43 |
Mass- and charge-dependent ion energization in the Earth's magnetotail: Arase observations |
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R006-44 |
あらせ衛星と線形解析による電子サイクロトロン高調波とその発生環境に関する考察 |
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R006-45 |
Pitch angle scattering by electrostatic electron cyclotron harmonic waves |
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R006-46 |
Comparison of EMIC wave distributions between the magnetic equator and higher magnetic latitudes |
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R006-49 |
Strong diffusion of energetic electrons by chorus waves in the dawnside magnetosphere |
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R006-52 |
Correlations of low-energy electrons with chorus emissions observed by ERG: An event study |
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R006-53 |
Evaluation of Automatic Electron Density Determination by using a Convolutional Neural Network |
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R006-54 |
Outer Belt Flux Enhancement Associated With High-Speed Streams |
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R006-P14 |
あらせ衛星が観測したPi2地磁気脈動 |
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R006-P15 |
Arase observation of the source region of auroral arc and diffuse aurora in the inner magnetosphere |
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R006-P17 |
Computer simulations of pitch angle scattering process for pulsating aurora |
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R006-P18 |
Statistical study of EMIC wave-related electron precipitation at subauroral latitude |
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R006-P19 |
Direct detection of nonlinear generation process of EMIC emissions observed by the Arase spacecraft |
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R006-P21 |
Arase observation of electron pitch angle scattering by Electrostatic Cyclotron Harmonic waves |
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R006-P23 |
Drift resonance of energetic electrons with Pc 4-5 ULF waves and modulation of whistler-mode chorus |
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R006-P25 |
MeV electrons observed at the plasma sheet boundary |
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R006-P26 |
Electric current evolution associated with the magnetic dipolarization in the inner magnetosphere |
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R006-P27 |
Longitudinal Structure of Oxygen Torus and Its Coincidence with EMIC Wave in the Inner Magnetosphere |
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R006-P28 |
Extremely collimated electron beams observed by the ERG satellite |
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R006-P29 |
あらせ衛星によって観測された孤立静電ポテンシャル構造 |
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R006-P32 |
Validation of High-energy electron detector simulator for the HEP instruments onboard Arase |
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R006-P33 |
Inter-channel calibration of Arase/HEP instrument |
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R006-P37 |
Development of ASIC-based fluxgate magnetometer and its flight proof on RockSat-XN sounding rocket |
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R006-P38 |
将来衛星計画FACTORSとLAMPロケットによるオーロラ観測計画と可視・紫外カメラの開発 |
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R006-P39 |
観測パッケージPARM-HEPによる脈動オーロラに伴うマイクロバースト現象の観測 |
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R006-P40 |
地球磁気圏X線可視化計画 GEO-X の現状 |
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R009-08 |
火星における宇宙放射線被ばくの予測 |
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R009-P18 |
Development of a low-energy energetic neutral atom analyzer (PEP/JNA) for JUICE mission |
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R010-02 |
長寿命の2つピークのリングカレント帯プラズマ圧空間構造 |
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