参加登録 / Registration
- 参加登録手続き期間は、10月3日(月)12:00 から 11月14日(月)17:00(会期後一週間)の予定です。
The registration process will be open from October 3(Mon), 12:00 to November 14(Mon), 17:00 (one week after the meeting).
- 決済方法 (Payment methods)
Only credit card is accepted for payment of the registration fee.
- 支払い後のキャンセル (Cancellation policy)
Registration fee is non-refundable with any reasons.
- 決済時のトラブルについて (Payment problems)
If you have difficulties with payments, please contact us before the deadline of each payment.
- クレジットカードがエラーになる場合 (Possible cause of trouble)
Please check the common technical issues listed below:
・ Excess of the usage limit of the credit cards
・ Expiration of the credit cards or error in the pin code
・ Error in the credit card number or telephone number input: the input may contain non-numeric characters like hyphens
・ Make sure that there is no space in the input
If an error occurs after all the information is entered correctly, the credit card owner is advised to contact the credit card company. In case of payment issues, please contact us.
- 領収書、参加証明書 (Receipt, participation certificate)
They are available from the registration system after payment. Please make sure that you have them by the time when the registration system closes (November 14 (Mon), 17:00).
参加費 / Fee
種別 | 金額 |
会員(一般) (Regular Member) |
4,000 円 |
会員(学生) (Student Member) |
3,000 円 |
非会員(一般)* (Non-member, General) |
5,000 円 |
非会員(学生)* (Non-member, Student) |
5,000 円 |
非会員(招待講演者) (Non-member, Invited Speaker) |
0 円 |
非会員(学部生等) (Non-member, Undergraduate) |
0 円 |
天文・物理学会員 (一般) (Member of ASJ or JPS, General) |
4,000 円 |
天文・物理学会員 (学生) (Member of ASJ or JPS, Student) |
3,000 円 |
(※ 不課税です )