著者 |
発表者 |
招待 講演 |
講演番号 |
ショートタイトル |
予稿集本文 |
前澤 裕之 |
R009-P02 |
超小型火星探査機搭載THzヘテロダイン分光システムの開発検討 |
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R009-P03 |
Exploring the Atmosphere of Mars and Venus with Remote Observations: A Belgium-Japan partnership |
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R009-P08 |
金星大気重力波イベントのALMA/金星探査機「あかつき」の連携観測プロジェクト |
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R010-P01 |
SMILES-2衛星計画における惑星大気・天文観測応用 |
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前田 隼 |
R005-11 |
InSARで捉えたスポラディックE層の非分散性成分の解釈 |
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前山 伸也 |
R006-16 |
非一様磁場中でのアルヴェン波を介した磁気圏-電離圏結合の理論解析 |
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MAGDAS/CPMNグループ 吉川 顕正 |
R005-P14 |
地上隣接2観測点での磁場の差分データを用いた、MSTIDに伴う地上磁場変動の統計解析 |
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R006-P19 |
QZSとMAGDASによる磁気圏FAC−電離圏電流回路の長期間同時観測:統計解析 |
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益子 竜一 |
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R005-06 |
HFドップラーと微気圧計を用いた台風に伴う電離圏擾乱の解析 |
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増田 智 |
R007-P02 |
伝搬性ファストソーセージモード波動により変調された太陽電波ゼブラパターンの観測 |
表示 |
益永 圭 |
R009-05 |
ひさき衛星の惑星大気・プラズマの観測データに対するLassoを用いた時系列解析 |
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R009-27 |
ひさき・あかつきの金星同時観測による金星大気の上下結合の研究 |
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枡本 拓朗 |
R004-P02 |
還元化学消磁による堆積物の熱消磁時CRMの抑制について(予察) |
表示 |
町 康二郎 |
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R005-P18 |
LF帯標準電波観測における電離圏高度と電気伝導度との相関 |
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町田 忍 |
R006-23 |
オーロラキロメートル放射とオーロラ極方向拡大との関係:Geotail衛星と地上全天観測 |
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R006-24 |
オーロラ爆発と磁気再結合の地上全天及び磁気圏尾部における同時観測 |
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R006-26 |
THEMIS データによるサブストームと疑似サブストームに伴う磁気圏尾部変動の統計解析 |
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R006-27 |
サブストーム統一モデルの構築に向けて |
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R006-32 |
Investigation of the magnetic neutral line region with the frame of two-fluid equations |
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R006-P02 |
マグネットシース・磁気圏における多点衛星観測データを用いた波動ベクトル解析の検証 |
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S001-P25 |
複数波長観測による脈動オーロラ降下電子のエネルギー推定とそのMLT依存性 |
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S001-P29 |
Rapid acceleration of relativistic electrons associated with solar wind pressure pulse |
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松井 宏晃 |
R004-P05 |
内核半径の異なる回転球殻における地球ダイナモ維持に必要なレイリー数に関する研究 |
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松岡 彩子 |
R006-39 |
Disturbed time convection observed by the SuperDARN in the premidnight and postmidnight sectors |
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R010-P03 |
衛星太陽電池劣化から探る放射線帯プロトンの空間分布 |
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S001-01 |
Geospace Exploration Project ERG(Arase); overview of the mission |
表示 |
S001-02 |
Overview and initial results of the PWE on board Arase |
表示 |
S001-03 |
Wire Probe Antenna and Electric Field Detector of PWE / ARASE: Specifications and Evaluation results |
表示 |
S001-04 |
Initial results of ARASE/HFA: Plasmasphere evolution and AKR from the both hemisphere |
表示 |
S001-06 |
Numerical calculations for flux enhancement of radiation belt electrons |
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S001-08 |
Observation of relativistic electron loss by EMIC waves: Arase and PWING collaboration |
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S001-09 |
Instantaneous Frequency Analysis on Nonlinear EMIC Emissions: Arase Observation |
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S001-11 |
Atmospheric impacts of auroral electrons as observed by Arase and Syowa observations |
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* |
S001-12 |
Software-type Wave-Particle Interaction Analyzer on board the ARASE satellite |
表示 |
S001-14 |
Coordinated Arase (ERG) satellite and EISCAT radar observations |
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* |
S001-15 |
Coordinated Arase satellite and ground-based observations of pulsating electron and proton auroras |
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S001-21 |
Characteristics of molecular ions in the ring current observed by the Arase (ERG) satellite |
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S001-25 |
あらせ衛星の準リアルタイムデータを利用した放射線帯変動予測 |
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S001-26 |
ERGが観測した高エネルギー電子fluxの準周期的な振動について |
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S001-29 |
Comparison of events with prominent fluctuations common to ERG/Arase particle and wave observations |
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S001-31 |
あらせ衛星−地上連携観測で観測された孤立型サブストームの総合解析 |
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S001-33 |
The magnetic field investigation on the ARASE (ERG) mission |
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S001-34 |
Evolution of ionospheric convection and ULFs during the 27 March 2017 storm: ERG-SuperDARN campaign |
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S001-35 |
Plasmaspheric refilling using data from ERG, VAPs, the ground-based magnetometers and IPE model |
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S001-P02 |
Polarization Analyses and Direction Finding via the Continuous Cross-Spectrum Measurement by ERG/PWE |
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S001-P03 |
Data processing in the Software-type wave-particle interaction analyzer onboard the ARASE satellite |
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S001-P04 |
Ion Flux Oscillations and ULF Waves Observed by ARASE Satellite and Their Origin |
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S001-P05 |
Modulation of electron pitch angle distributions observed by MEPe onboard the Arase satellite |
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S001-P06 |
Energetic electrons observed at higher latitude region of the plasma sheet near the radiation belt |
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S001-P07 |
In situ statistical observations of EMIC waves by Arase satellite |
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S001-P09 |
あらせ衛星観測データに基づく高密度領域でのコーラス放射と密度変動に関する研究 |
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S001-P10 |
Absolute Direction Finding Method for the PWE/OFA Data |
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S001-P11 |
Comparison of ULF waves measured by the ERG satellite and MAGDAS network |
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S001-P12 |
ERG satellite observation of large amplitude Pc5 wave and the O+ drift-bounce resonance |
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S001-P13 |
Global distribution of ULF waves during magnetic storms on March 27, 2017 and April 4, 2017 |
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S001-P15 |
Calibration of HEP onboard Arase and investigation of flux drop out of the outer belt during storms |
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S001-P21 |
コーラス波動が駆動源と考えられる脈動オーロラパッチの時空間解析 |
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S001-P24 |
コーラス波強度変動とアイスランドにおける観測された脈動オーロラの明滅周期の比較 |
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S001-P29 |
Rapid acceleration of relativistic electrons associated with solar wind pressure pulse |
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S001-P31 |
Simultaneous observations of magnetic field dipolarization by Arase and Michibiki satellites |
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松清 修一 |
R007-05 |
地球フォアショックにおける電子加速:1次元PICシミュレーション |
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R007-06 |
地球磁気圏衝撃波と惑星間空間衝撃波との相互作用による電子加速 |
表示 |
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R007-07 |
高ベータ低マッハ数準垂直衝撃波における高エネルギー電子の生成 |
表示 |
R007-P04 |
太陽圏への高エネルギー粒子の輸送過程の数値実験 |
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R007-P05 |
太陽圏境界構造の1次元PIC計算 |
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R008-10 |
ILE無衝突衝撃波実験における協同トムソン散乱計測のための数値実験 |
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R008-P03 |
高強度レーザー実験における磁化プラズマの協同トムソン散乱の数値実験 |
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R008-P06 |
磁気流体乱流中における宇宙線の異常輸送のテスト粒子シミュレーション |
表示 |
松下 拓輝 |
R005-P11 |
S-310-44号機によるSq電流系付近のDC/AC電場観測 |
表示 |
R010-02 |
各地方時におけるSFEの発生特性について |
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R010-P13 |
Seasonal dependence of semidiurnal equatorial magnetic variations |
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R010-P14 |
磁気擾乱時における中低緯度領域電磁誘導応答の研究 |
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松島 政貴 |
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R004-P04 |
Effects of core electrical conductivity on the modeling of core surface flow |
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R011-02 |
Current balance at the lunar night-side surface in the terrestrial foreshock |
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R011-P03 |
Possible mechanisms of an ESW excitation in the lunar wake boundary |
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松田 幸樹 |
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R009-P11 |
大気大循環モデルを用いた地球気候の太陽定数依存性に関する数値実験 |
表示 |
松田 昇也 |
R006-P11 |
H+ and O+ ion heating by electromagnetic ELF waves in the dayside cusp based on Akebono observation |
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S001-01 |
Geospace Exploration Project ERG(Arase); overview of the mission |
表示 |
S001-02 |
Overview and initial results of the PWE on board Arase |
表示 |
S001-03 |
Wire Probe Antenna and Electric Field Detector of PWE / ARASE: Specifications and Evaluation results |
表示 |
S001-04 |
Initial results of ARASE/HFA: Plasmasphere evolution and AKR from the both hemisphere |
表示 |
S001-06 |
Numerical calculations for flux enhancement of radiation belt electrons |
表示 |
S001-09 |
Instantaneous Frequency Analysis on Nonlinear EMIC Emissions: Arase Observation |
表示 |
S001-10 |
Simultaneous observations of pulsating aurora with high-speed all-sky cameras and ARASE satellite |
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* |
S001-12 |
Software-type Wave-Particle Interaction Analyzer on board the ARASE satellite |
表示 |
S001-14 |
Coordinated Arase (ERG) satellite and EISCAT radar observations |
表示 |
* |
S001-15 |
Coordinated Arase satellite and ground-based observations of pulsating electron and proton auroras |
表示 |
S001-31 |
あらせ衛星−地上連携観測で観測された孤立型サブストームの総合解析 |
表示 |
S001-P01 |
あらせ衛星搭載のプラズマ波動観測器によって計測された波形データの精密較正 |
表示 |
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S001-P02 |
Polarization Analyses and Direction Finding via the Continuous Cross-Spectrum Measurement by ERG/PWE |
表示 |
S001-P03 |
Data processing in the Software-type wave-particle interaction analyzer onboard the ARASE satellite |
表示 |
S001-P05 |
Modulation of electron pitch angle distributions observed by MEPe onboard the Arase satellite |
表示 |
S001-P09 |
あらせ衛星観測データに基づく高密度領域でのコーラス放射と密度変動に関する研究 |
表示 |
S001-P10 |
Absolute Direction Finding Method for the PWE/OFA Data |
表示 |
S001-P16 |
あらせ衛星で受信されたKilometric Continuum(速報) |
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S001-P21 |
コーラス波動が駆動源と考えられる脈動オーロラパッチの時空間解析 |
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S001-P24 |
コーラス波強度変動とアイスランドにおける観測された脈動オーロラの明滅周期の比較 |
表示 |
S001-P29 |
Rapid acceleration of relativistic electrons associated with solar wind pressure pulse |
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