著者 |
発表者 |
招待 講演 |
講演番号 |
ショートタイトル |
予稿集本文 |
手操 佳子 |
R003-P11 |
Magnetotelluric transect of the Unzen Graben |
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寺石 眞弘 |
R003-12 |
Large-scale resistivity structure around the long-term Slow Slip Events beneath the Bungo Channel |
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寺岡 毅 |
R010-P02 |
衛星帯電予報のための衛星表面電位のリアルタイム推定手法の開発 |
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S001-P27 |
Analysis of spacecraft surface charging events in MEO |
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寺澤 敏夫 |
R007-04 |
かにパルサーの周波数分散を用いた極域太陽風密度の研究 |
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寺田 香織 |
R005-P30 |
火星下部熱圏における大気重力波の季節変動 |
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R009-19 |
Gravity waves in the Martian exosphere |
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寺田 綱一朗 |
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R009-09 |
電離圏ポテンシャルソルバーによる木星内部磁気圏電場の太陽風応答の研究 |
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寺田 直樹 |
R005-P30 |
火星下部熱圏における大気重力波の季節変動 |
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R007-P03 |
「ひさき」衛星による惑星間空間のヘリウム分布光学観測 |
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R009-09 |
電離圏ポテンシャルソルバーによる木星内部磁気圏電場の太陽風応答の研究 |
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R009-14 |
古海洋・厚いCO2大気環境のもとでの火星古気候シミュレーション |
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R009-17 |
弱い固有磁場中における火星からのイオン流出機構 |
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R009-19 |
Gravity waves in the Martian exosphere |
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R009-P03 |
Exploring the Atmosphere of Mars and Venus with Remote Observations: A Belgium-Japan partnership |
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R009-P09 |
金星大気大循環モデルによる3次元金星雲分布および大規模運動への結合の研究 |
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R009-P14 |
弱磁場天体の小型磁気圏形成に関する全粒子シミュレーション |
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寺本 万里子 |
R006-25 |
オーロラ全天画像とPi2地磁気脈動を用いたサブストームオンセットの解明 |
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R006-28 |
Pc5波動内におけるプロトンからEMIC波動へのエネルギー輸送の直接計測 |
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R006-39 |
Disturbed time convection observed by the SuperDARN in the premidnight and postmidnight sectors |
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S001-01 |
Geospace Exploration Project ERG(Arase); overview of the mission |
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S001-02 |
Overview and initial results of the PWE on board Arase |
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S001-03 |
Wire Probe Antenna and Electric Field Detector of PWE / ARASE: Specifications and Evaluation results |
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S001-06 |
Numerical calculations for flux enhancement of radiation belt electrons |
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S001-08 |
Observation of relativistic electron loss by EMIC waves: Arase and PWING collaboration |
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S001-09 |
Instantaneous Frequency Analysis on Nonlinear EMIC Emissions: Arase Observation |
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S001-10 |
Simultaneous observations of pulsating aurora with high-speed all-sky cameras and ARASE satellite |
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S001-26 |
ERGが観測した高エネルギー電子fluxの準周期的な振動について |
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S001-31 |
あらせ衛星−地上連携観測で観測された孤立型サブストームの総合解析 |
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S001-33 |
The magnetic field investigation on the ARASE (ERG) mission |
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S001-34 |
Evolution of ionospheric convection and ULFs during the 27 March 2017 storm: ERG-SuperDARN campaign |
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S001-35 |
Plasmaspheric refilling using data from ERG, VAPs, the ground-based magnetometers and IPE model |
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S001-P02 |
Polarization Analyses and Direction Finding via the Continuous Cross-Spectrum Measurement by ERG/PWE |
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S001-P04 |
Ion Flux Oscillations and ULF Waves Observed by ARASE Satellite and Their Origin |
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S001-P05 |
Modulation of electron pitch angle distributions observed by MEPe onboard the Arase satellite |
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S001-P07 |
In situ statistical observations of EMIC waves by Arase satellite |
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S001-P11 |
Comparison of ULF waves measured by the ERG satellite and MAGDAS network |
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S001-P12 |
ERG satellite observation of large amplitude Pc5 wave and the O+ drift-bounce resonance |
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S001-P13 |
Global distribution of ULF waves during magnetic storms on March 27, 2017 and April 4, 2017 |
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S001-P15 |
Calibration of HEP onboard Arase and investigation of flux drop out of the outer belt during storms |
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S001-P29 |
Rapid acceleration of relativistic electrons associated with solar wind pressure pulse |
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S001-P31 |
Simultaneous observations of magnetic field dipolarization by Arase and Michibiki satellites |
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S001-P33 |
ERG-Science Center (ERG-SC): the hub of ERG science activities |
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