著者 |
発表者 |
招待 講演 |
講演番号 |
ショートタイトル |
予稿集本文 |
三木 淳平 |
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S001-P06 |
Arase衛星S-WPIA解析におけるプラズマ波動電界較正に関する評価 |
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三澤 浩昭 |
R006-31 |
サブストーム時の静止軌道におけるプラズマ動態 |
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R009-07 |
Azimuthal variation in the Io plasma torus observed by the Hisaki satellite from 2013 to 2016 |
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R009-P17 |
Expected source region of Jupiter's hectometric radio component relating to magnetotail reconnection |
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R009-P22 |
Feasibility study of passive subsurface radar using waveform data of Jovian decametric radiation |
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S001-19 |
One-to-one correspondence between relativistic electron precipitation and pulsating aurora |
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S001-20 |
Energetic Electron Precipitation and its relation to IPDP type EMIC waves |
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水口 岳宏 |
R009-P17 |
Expected source region of Jupiter's hectometric radio component relating to magnetotail reconnection |
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水野 亮 |
R005-P25 |
南極昭和基地ミリ波放射分光計による中間圏一酸化窒素カラム量の変動解析 |
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R005-P26 |
南極・昭和基地における中層大気多分子同時観測のための広帯域なミリ波分光計の開発 |
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R005-P27 |
アルゼンチン・リオガジェゴスでのミリ波を用いた成層圏オゾンの観測 |
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R005-P28 |
Feasibility study for artificial aurora experiments at the EISACT Tromso site |
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R005-P35 |
太陽陽子降り込みイベントに伴う極域中間圏オゾン減少の統計解析 |
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三谷 憲司 |
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R006-20 |
Statistical Study of Selective Transport of Energetic Oxygen Ions During Storms in 2013-2017 |
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三谷 烈史 |
R006-03 |
PARM計画: 観測ロケットRockSat-XNによる高エネルギー電子マイクロバースト現象の観測 |
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R006-P29 |
観測パッケージPARM-HEPによる脈動オーロラ現象に伴う高エネルギー降り込み電子の観測 |
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S001-12 |
コロナホール流に伴う放射線帯増加:あらせ観測 |
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S001-22 |
Periodic energetic electron flux modulations by the azimuthally-confined ULF waves |
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S001-23 |
High-energy electron observations with the HEP instruments onboard Arase and its calibration status |
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S001-24 |
Energetic electron injection at the plasma sheet boundary |
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S001-25 |
Simulation of the substorm injection of high-energy electrons observed by ERG and GOES |
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S001-26 |
Electron flux variations of the outer radiation belt during storms observed by Arase and RBSP |
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S001-P21 |
Inter-channel calibration of the HEP instrument onboard the Arase satellite |
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S001-P22 |
あらせのHEPによる放射線帯内帯での粒子観測 |
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S001-P24 |
Energy spectra of high energy electrons depending on MLT and MLAT observed by ARASE and HIMAWARI |
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南 拓人 |
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R003-06 |
ACTIVEから推定される阿蘇山2014-2016年活動期の比抵抗構造の推移 |
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R003-08 |
Controlled source electromagnetic approach with EM-ACROSS signal |
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R003-P13 |
iTACFEM-3D:アダプティブ四面体要素を用いたCSEM三次元インバージョン |
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R004-12 |
A core surface flow and acceleration model toward building IGRF-13SV |
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箕浦 幸治 |
R004-15 |
Dating of tsunami boulders from Ishigaki and Tongatapu Islands |
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簑島 敬 |
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R008-08 |
Divergence-free shock-capturing schemes for magnetohydrodynamics |
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三村 明 |
R003-04 |
山崎断層系那岐山断層帯に属する那岐山断層・那岐池断層の地下浅部比抵抗構造 |
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R003-P06 |
AMT調査と広帯域MT調査を併用した地下比抵抗構造の解明 |
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宮岡 宏 |
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R005-04 |
EISCAT_3D(次世代欧州非干渉散乱レーダー)計画の進捗状況(7) |
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R005-05 |
両極性拡散係数の異常増大 |
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三宅 晶子 |
R010-12 |
Radiation Dose Nowcast for the Ground Level Enhancement on 10-11 September 2017 |
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三宅 壮聡 |
R005-P20 |
S-310-44号機観測ロケットによって観測されたVLF帯波動の解析 |
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三宅 芙沙 |
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R010-13 |
Investigation of past extreme SPE using tree-rings |
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三宅 洋平 |
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R008-15 |
月面近傍プラズマ・ダスト環境の粒子モデルシミュレーション |
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R009-02 |
Full PIC simulation on the electron dynamics at the dayside magnetopause in a small magnetosphere |
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R009-P18 |
電子反射法を用いた太陽風中での月面磁場強度推定 |
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三宅 亙 |
R005-01 |
超高層大気観測のための真空計開発に関する検討 |
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R008-06 |
帯電する飛翔体で使用可能なラングミューアプローブの開発 |
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R009-P26 |
MMO搭載MIAのトップハット分析器特性のわずかな非対称性について |
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S001-P22 |
あらせのHEPによる放射線帯内帯での粒子観測 |
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宮下 拓也 |
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S001-18 |
VLF/LF帯標準電波を用いたULF波動と関連するサブストーム中の降下電子の観測 |
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宮下 幸長 |
S001-09 |
Electrostatic electron cyclotron harmonic waves as a candidate to cause pulsating auroras |
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S001-34 |
Plasma Density Distributions along the Magnetic Fields: Coordinated Observation of Arase and RBSP |
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宮本 明歩 |
R009-P10 |
Mars mesospheric zonal wind at global dust storm 2018 |
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三好 隆博 |
R008-08 |
Divergence-free shock-capturing schemes for magnetohydrodynamics |
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三好 勉信 |
R003-P10 |
GAIA Sqモデルを用いたマントル電気伝導度構造の推定 |
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R005-20 |
GAIAモデルデータを用いたCO2二倍に対する超高層大気の応答 |
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R005-25 |
下層大気起源の熱圏重力波により引き起こされた大規模伝播性電離圏擾乱 |
表示 |
R005-P36 |
Ionospheric heating in the dayside polar region during geomagnetically quiet periods |
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* |
R010-01 |
巨大太陽フレア時の電離圏全電子数変動に対する中性大気組成の影響 |
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R010-03 |
スポラディックE層発生の変動メカニズムと予測 |
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R010-P06 |
update and validation of a whole atmosphere-ionosphere coupled model GAIA |
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三好 由純 |
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R006-01 |
脈動オーロラ降下電子スペクトルの全体像:PARMロケット実験に向けて |
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R006-03 |
PARM計画: 観測ロケットRockSat-XNによる高エネルギー電子マイクロバースト現象の観測 |
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R006-04 |
Effects of geomagnetic field and cold plasma on the generation of isolated proton aurora |
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R006-13 |
X線天文衛星「すざく」による太陽活動極大付近における木星観測 |
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R006-25 |
Investigation of the magnetic neutral line region with the frame of two-fluid equations |
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R006-31 |
サブストーム時の静止軌道におけるプラズマ動態 |
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R006-33 |
MMS衛星群とGeotail衛星によるサブストーム開始の同時観測 |
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R006-P02 |
Magnetosphere-ionosphere connection of storm-time R2 FAC and ring current: ERG-AMPERE observations |
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R006-P11 |
ISS - IMAP VISI で撮像された孤立型プロトンオーロラの移動特性: マルチイベント解析 |
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R006-P27 |
機械学習によるフラッシュオーロラの自動検出 |
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R006-P28 |
脈動オーロラロケット実験Rocksat-SN, LAMPならびに将来衛星計画FACTORS |
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R006-P30 |
脈動オーロラ観測ロケットRocksat-XN搭載オーロラカメラの開発 |
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* |
S001-01 |
Propagation characteristics of whistler mode chorus waves deduced from the Arase observations |
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S001-02 |
Instantaneous frequency analysis on nonlinear EMIC emissions: Arase observation |
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S001-04 |
磁気圏の磁気双極子化に伴い発生する磁場擾乱:あらせ観測結果 |
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S001-05 |
PWINGプロジェクトの現状と2018年9月のキャンペーン観測初期結果 |
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S001-06 |
Multi-event study of ELF/VLF propagation using Kannuslehto and Arase conjunctions |
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S001-08 |
Density depletions associated with enhancements of ECH emissions observed by ERG |
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S001-09 |
Electrostatic electron cyclotron harmonic waves as a candidate to cause pulsating auroras |
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S001-10 |
Strong diffusion of energetic electrons into diffuse aurora |
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S001-12 |
コロナホール流に伴う放射線帯増加:あらせ観測 |
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S001-13 |
Study of ULF waves and its effect on radial transport based on MHD-Ring current model coupling |
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S001-14 |
環電流イオンによるstorm-time Pc5 ULF波動の発生機構の研究 |
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S001-15 |
Concentrically expanding ring-shaped pulsating aurora: simultaneous observations with Arase |
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S001-16 |
Flash aurora as manifestation of the resonant interactions between chorus elements and electrons |
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S001-17 |
高速EMCCDイメージャーを用いたフラッシュオーロラの時空間解析 |
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S001-18 |
VLF/LF帯標準電波を用いたULF波動と関連するサブストーム中の降下電子の観測 |
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S001-19 |
One-to-one correspondence between relativistic electron precipitation and pulsating aurora |
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S001-20 |
Energetic Electron Precipitation and its relation to IPDP type EMIC waves |
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S001-22 |
Periodic energetic electron flux modulations by the azimuthally-confined ULF waves |
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S001-23 |
High-energy electron observations with the HEP instruments onboard Arase and its calibration status |
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S001-24 |
Energetic electron injection at the plasma sheet boundary |
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S001-25 |
Simulation of the substorm injection of high-energy electrons observed by ERG and GOES |
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S001-26 |
Electron flux variations of the outer radiation belt during storms observed by Arase and RBSP |
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S001-27 |
磁気圏MHDシミュレーションと粒子シミュレーションによる放射線帯外帯電子の消失 |
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* |
S001-28 |
Meridional distribution of proton and ring current in the inner magnetosphere: Arase observation |
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S001-29 |
Longitudinal Structure of Oxygen Torus: Simultaneous Observations by Arase and Van Allen Probe A |
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S001-30 |
Statistical properties of molecular ions in the ring current observed by the Arase (ERG) satellite |
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S001-31 |
Molecular ion outflow mechanism from the ionosphere observed by EISCAT and Arase (ERG) |
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S001-32 |
ARASE observations of electron density perturbations |
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S001-34 |
Plasma Density Distributions along the Magnetic Fields: Coordinated Observation of Arase and RBSP |
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S001-P01 |
Electric Field Detector of Plasma Wave Experiment aboard ARASE: Evaluation results -- II |
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S001-P02 |
あらせ衛星によるULFの統計解析 |
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