著者 |
発表者 |
招待 講演 |
講演番号 |
ショートタイトル |
予稿集本文 |
片岡 龍峰 |
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R009-08 |
火星における宇宙放射線被ばくの予測 |
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勝瀬 陸 |
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R009-P10 |
超小型極端紫外撮像装置に用いる電子回路部の放射線耐性評価 |
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加藤 拓馬 |
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R008-13 |
ピッチ角異方性を取り入れた統計的衝撃波ドリフト加速モデルの理論解析 |
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加藤 千恵 |
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R004-13 |
道志ハンレイ岩中から分離した斜長石粒子の岩石磁気研究 |
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加藤 恒彦 |
R008-10 |
A comparison of relativistic particle integrators in a fast magnetized flow |
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加藤 博司 |
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R010-07 |
熱圏データ同化システムの開発と宇宙機軌道解析ツールとの連携 |
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加藤 護 |
R003-06 |
学部学生向け地学実験における空中磁気探査ツールとしての市販ドローンの試用 |
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加藤 雄人 |
R004-07 |
異なる内核半径における地球ダイナモに対する温度勾配に関する境界条件の効果について |
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R006-32 |
Arase衛星S-WPIA解析におけるプラズマ波動及び粒子の較正に関する評価 |
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R006-P18 |
Statistical study of EMIC wave-related electron precipitation at subauroral latitude |
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R006-P23 |
Drift resonance of energetic electrons with Pc 4-5 ULF waves and modulation of whistler-mode chorus |
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R006-P36 |
The calibration method of waveform data measured by the PWE/WFC on board the Arase satellite |
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R008-P02 |
ULF wave modulation of the whistler-mode chorus generation in the inner magnetosphere |
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R009-P07 |
Elastic collisions between electrons and H2O in the Enceladus torus |
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R010-P04 |
Development of cross-reference framework for macro- and micro-scale simulations of the magnetosphere |
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門倉 昭 |
R005-15 |
大型大気レーダーPANSYで観測される中間圏エコー強度のオーロラ活動依存性 |
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R006-01 |
3D analysis of discrete arcs based on auroral computed tomography |
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R006-09 |
Syowa-Arase-Tjoernes conjugate observation of auroral breakup and pulsating aurora |
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R006-13 |
Pc5磁力線共鳴に伴うオーロラアーク脈動の発生と脈動オーロラの強度変調 |
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R006-P45 |
Antarctic large area network observation of auroral phenomena using unmanned system (3) |
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金子 隆之 |
R003-P04 |
霧島硫黄山におけるドローン空中磁気測量 |
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金嶋 聰 |
R009-04 |
Sustainable dipolar morphology of a lunar dynamo driven by compositional convection |
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樺澤 大生 |
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R010-P08 |
MAGDAS9システムの10Hzデータを用いた,Pc2脈動の全球的な発生特性解明 |
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鎌田 有紘 |
R009-P25 |
火星古気候の大気・水圏結合モデリング:Valley network再現に向けて |
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亀田 真吾 |
R009-14 |
赤色矮星周りの系外惑星の外圏大気における酸素原子のエネルギー状態 |
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R009-P09 |
小天体大気の水素・重水素遠隔観測に向けた吸収セルのフィラメント開発 |
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R009-P22 |
Development of the hydrogen absorption cell imager for observation of planetary coronas |
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加茂 正人 |
R003-07 |
繰り返し注水実験から推定される野島断層の回復過程 |
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鴨川 仁 |
R005-25 |
Oscillations of atmospheric electric field during snowfall at Chiba using W- and X-band cloud radars |
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河合 淳 |
R004-02 |
樹木年輪中の微量磁性物質検出 |
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川合 悠生 |
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R006-12 |
Optical observations of isolated proton aurora from low-altitude satellite during magnetic storm |
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R006-P09 |
低高度衛星の紫外線観測を用いたオーロラオーバル赤道側境界の統計解析 |
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川勝 康弘 |
R006-P40 |
地球磁気圏X線可視化計画 GEO-X の現状 |
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川口 友暉 |
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R009-P04 |
電子反射法を用いた太陽風中での月面磁場強度推定と太陽風動圧依存性 |
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河瀬 慎一郎 |
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R009-23 |
金星探査機「あかつき」によって観測された中緯度帯雲頂構造 |
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河野 剛健 |
R006-P42 |
MIセンサを用いた地磁気微小変動のテスト観測 |
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河野 英昭 |
R006-P10 |
日本子午面上のプラズマ密度分布 |
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R006-P12 |
Automatic identification of FLR events in the SuperDARN VLOS data by using the Gradient methods |
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川端 哲也 |
R005-P05 |
ノルウェーのトロムソで観測された脈動オーロラ発光の波長特性 |
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R005-P43 |
Naライダーで観測される鉛直風オフセットの考察 |
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R006-P16 |
Estimation of the altitude of pulsating aurora emission by using five-wavelength photometer |
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川原 琢也 |
R005-09 |
Seasonal differences in fine structures of the Es layer observed by a Ca+ resonance scattering lidar |
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R005-P42 |
Geomagnetic activity-related Na layer and CNA variations observed over Syowa, Antarctic |
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R005-P43 |
Naライダーで観測される鉛直風オフセットの考察 |
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R009-P09 |
小天体大気の水素・重水素遠隔観測に向けた吸収セルのフィラメント開発 |
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R009-P22 |
Development of the hydrogen absorption cell imager for observation of planetary coronas |
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川村 勇貴 |
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R006-10 |
Spatial distribution of multiple temporal variations of pulsating aurora |
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R006-11 |
Large-scale signatures of pulsating aurora characterized by ambient parameters in the magnetosphere |
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R006-P16 |
Estimation of the altitude of pulsating aurora emission by using five-wavelength photometer |
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神田 径 |
R003-P05 |
Contraining electrical conductivity structure of volcanoes using multiphase flow modeling |
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R003-P07 |
3-D resistivity modeling of Kusatsu-Shirane volcano, with revisited magnetotelluric data |
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菅野 将史 |
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R005-P26 |
Improvement of estimation method for propagation distance of tweek atmospherics |
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神原 歩 |
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R009-P32 |
ハワイIRTF/iSHELL赤外分光データによる木星大赤斑上空を含む熱圏温度観測 |
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