著者 |
発表者 |
招待 講演 |
講演番号 |
ショートタイトル |
予稿集本文 |
東 力也 |
R008-24 |
大型レーザー実験による磁化プラズマ衝撃波の生成およびその長時間発展 |
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東尾 奈々 |
R006-15 |
A statistical survey of Pc5 waves observed in the dusk and night sectors |
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R006-22 |
Statistical study about pitch angle evolutions of sub-relativistic/relativistic electrons of the outer radiation belt |
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R006-23 |
A statistical study on electron injection events whose peak-energy exceed 100 keV observed in the inner magnetosphere |
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R006-44 |
Signal and Noise Separation From Satellite Magnetic Field Data Through Independent Component Analysis |
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R010-28 |
Development of radiation belt forecast model based on the recurrent neural network |
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S002-09 |
宇宙環境計測情報システム(SEES)のDOI導入に向けた検討状況 |
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疋田 伶奈 |
R009-10 |
Long-term monitoring of Jupiter's aurora and Io torus by Hisaki EXCEED |
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樋口 颯人 |
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R010-04 |
電離圏分極型PBIにおける電子加速メカニズム:3次元流体的電子加速シミュレータから得られる新機構 |
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ひさき(SPRINT-A) プロジェクトチーム |
R007-10 |
「ひさき」衛星による惑星間空間のヘリウム光学観測 |
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平井 あすか |
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R006-30 |
地上-衛星観測によるIPDPタイプEMIC波動の周波数上昇に関するイベント解析 |
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R006-65 |
VLF 帯送信電波伝搬の数値計算を用いた電磁イオンサイクトロン(EMIC)波動に伴う下部電離層擾乱のモデリング |
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平社 信人 |
R009-11 |
KOSEN-1 Jupiter radio observation campaign with ground-based radio telescopes |
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平原 聖文 |
R006-10 |
Field-aligned low-energy O+ (FALEO) ion flux enhancements in the inner magnetosphere: A possible source of warm plasma cloak |
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R006-35 |
Measurements of nongyrotropic electrons around the cyclotron resonance velocity in whistler-mode waves |
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R006-48 |
Development by numerical design of double-shell electrostatic energy analyzer with hemispherical field of view |
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R006-49 |
Floating-mode avalanche photodiode experiments using low-energy electrons |
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平原 靖大 |
R009-15 |
高コントラスト望遠鏡PLANETSの開発状況と惑星・衛星近傍の希薄ガス発光の検出可能性 |
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晝場 清乃 |
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R009-29 |
太陽高エネルギー粒子が火星オゾンに与える影響の評価 |
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R009-31 |
Numerical prediction of changes in atmospheric compositions during SEP events at Mars |
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