著者 |
発表者 |
招待 講演 |
講演番号 |
ショートタイトル |
予稿集本文 |
ディバ ディエノ |
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R003-11 |
Resistivity structure beneath Southern Tohoku imaged by joint inversion of magnetotelluric and geomagnetic transfer functions |
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寺岡 宙惟 |
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R005-P15 |
イオノゾンデ観測から見た、日本上空のスポラディックE層の長期変動 |
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寺田 健太郎 |
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S001-39 |
宇宙プラズマ観測用質量分析装置の開発:太陽系探査への展開 |
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寺田 直樹 |
R009-15 |
Global simulation of valley network formation by rivers and ice sheets in early Mars for various surface pressure and H2 amount |
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R009-18 |
Variations of hot oxygen corona of Mars during a comet approach |
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R009-19 |
CO distributions and climatology in the Martian mesosphere and lower thermosphere retrieved from TGO NOMAD solar occultation |
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R009-20 |
大気波動と太陽風が火星熱圏電離圏擾乱に与える影響の同定 |
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R009-21 |
Simultaneous observations of ionospheric irregularities at Mars by Mars Express MARSIS topside sounder and MAVEN |
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R009-22 |
Multifluid MHD simulation of the effects of a dipole field on ion escape at ancient Mars |
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R009-23 |
Birthplace of energetic ions around the Phobos' orbit at midnight: Implications for future MSA observations onboard MMX |
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R009-25 |
Effects of planetary intrinsic magnetic fields on the atmospheric ion escape from exoplanet TOI-700 d |
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R009-26 |
Study of plasmasphere formation at terrestrial exoplanets around M-Dwarf stars and its detectability |
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R009-P02 |
火星GCMによるレゴリス-大気間の水交換が水蒸気カラム量に与える影響 |
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R009-P04 |
TGO/NOMAD火星大気観測データを用いた{sup}13{/sup}CO/{sup}12{/sup}CO比解析の初期結果 |
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R009-P07 |
MAVEN/STATICの観測に基づくダストストーム期間の火星電離圏イオン密度の周期変動の研究 |
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R009-P17 |
3次元グローバルMHDコードによるタイタン大気散逸の太陽風応答の数値シミュレーション |
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S001-40 |
「ひさき」衛星による惑星間空間のヘリウム光学観測 |
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寺田 幸功 |
S001-34 |
X線天文衛星を用いた地球超高層大気の密度鉛直構造の測定?長期トレンドの調査? |
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寺本 万里子 |
R006-12 |
The LAMP sounding rocket mission; in-situ observations of microburst electron precipitations associated with pulsating aurorae |
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R006-13 |
LAMPロケット搭載多波長オーロラカメラAIC2による脈動オーロラの観測 |
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R006-23 |
あらせ衛星の観測による放射線帯、プラズマ圏の長期変動 |
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R006-33 |
ULF-modulated energetic electron precipitation in magnetically quiet time using OCTAVE VLF/LF observations |
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R006-39 |
Banded chorus and no-gap chorus: What makes the difference? |
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R006-P04 |
Precipitation of auroral electrons accelerated at very high altitudes: Arase satellite observations |
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R006-P09 |
Field-aligned currents associated with pulsating auroral patches: Observation with Magneto-Impedance Magnetometer on board LAMP |
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R006-P10 |
観測パッケージPARM-HEPによる脈動オーロラに伴うマイクロバースト現象の観測 |
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R006-P17 |
The latest status of a high-energy electron analyzer (PINO) onboard a CubeSat (BIRDS-5) |
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R006-P20 |
Temporal evolution of nightside plasma mass in the inner magnetosphere during a geomagnetic storm using the Arase measurement |
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R006-P33 |
Relativistic electron precipitation and plasma waves observed by the International Space Station and the Arase satellite |
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R010-19 |
Eastward Magnetic Variations in the Equatorial Latitude Associated with the IHFAC Observed on the Ground and LEO |
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R011-10 |
小規模大学における地磁気長期観測とデータマネージメントの現状と課題 |
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R011-12 |
Management of science data from the Arase satellite by ERG Science Center |
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天万 須川 |
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R005-P21 |
Image analysis of the polar vortices of Venus observed by LIR |
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