著者 |
発表者 |
招待 講演 |
講演番号 |
ショートタイトル |
予稿 |
蔡 東生 |
R006-10 |
北向きIMFでの磁気圏電離圏対流とnull-separator構造 |
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R006-11 |
極冠分岐の磁場トポロジー |
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才田 聡子 |
R006-P23 |
Methods to increase the precision of the frequency of FLR in SuperDARN VLOS and the magnetospheric density |
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R011-02 |
Classification of Satellite-Obtained Time Series Data: A Comparative Study of Rule-Based and Machine-Learning Approaches |
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R011-P03 |
機械学習アルゴリズムを用いた磁力線共鳴振動現象の自動判定 |
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齊藤 昭則 |
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R005-02 |
Es層形成過程の中性大気とプラズマ大気の同時観測による解明: RIDEキャンペーン |
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R005-25 |
GAIAモデルとCOSMIC-1データを用いた2009年冬季におけるEs層密度増加の発生機構の解明 |
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R005-36 |
トンガ海底火山噴火により発生・伝搬したLamb波の異方性と電離圏電子密度擾乱分布異方性の関係 |
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R005-P04 |
電離圏中性大気観測に向けた中性質量分析器の開発 |
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R005-P15 |
Horizontal structures and movements of sporadic E layers observed with ionosonde receiver networks |
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R005-P16 |
昭和基地で観測されたCa+層とスポラディックE層の比較 |
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R005-P19 |
南極昭和基地大型大気レーダーによる電離圏沿磁力線不規則構造のイメージング観測 |
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R011-17 |
学校教育とアウトリーチ活動のための地球惑星科学可視化データベース |
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齋藤 幸碩 |
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R008-09 |
Kinetic Alfven waveにより捕捉された電子の非線形運動についての理論・数値的考察 |
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齋藤 慎司 |
R006-05 |
脈動オーロラに伴う幅広いエネルギー帯の電子の降りこみ:あらせ衛星-EISCATの共同観測及びシミュレーション |
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齊藤 慎司 |
R006-02 |
Study of spatial structure of the omega-band aurora using ground-based multi-wave length cameras and magnetospheric satellites |
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R006-29 |
Evolution of energy spectrum during electron accelerations in the outer radiation belt |
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R006-38 |
あらせ衛星観測によるコーラス波動強度・伝搬角の経験モデルの構築 |
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R006-43 |
Wave amplitude dependence of energetic electron precipitation associated with pulsating aurora: Test-particle simulations |
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R010-17 |
Annual electron dose on Himawari8: comparison of SEDA-e observation with empirical model estimation |
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R010-22 |
放射線帯外帯電子変動予測モデルの開発とXAIによるモデル解釈 |
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R010-P09 |
Improvement of real-time probabilistic forecast of >2 MeV electron fluence levels on geostationary orbit |
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斎藤 享 |
R005-02 |
Es層形成過程の中性大気とプラズマ大気の同時観測による解明: RIDEキャンペーン |
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R005-20 |
S-520-27号機観測ロケットによる夜間中規模伝搬性電離圏擾乱発生時の電場観測結果 |
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R005-21 |
Tomographic imaging of sporadic E-layer by sounding rocket S-520-32 observation |
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R005-23 |
短波ドップラー観測と MU レーダーを用いたスポラディック E 微細構造の研究 |
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R005-24 |
航空航法用電波ILS Localizerを用いたスポラディック E 層空間構造の解析 |
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R005-31 |
Strong ionospheric irregularities in sunlit conditions and its impact on GNSS-based navigation systems |
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R005-33 |
イオノゾンデ同化GNSS電離圏3次元リアルタイムトモグラフィ解析の改良と事例解析 |
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R005-37 |
Periodic Oscillations of Doppler Frequency Excited by the Traveling Ionospheric Disturbances Associated with the Tonga Eruption |
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齋藤 直昭 |
R009-P03 |
Development Status of the TRITON: Triple-Reflection Compact Time-Of-Flight Neutral Mass Spectrometer for Lunar Polar Exploration |
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斎藤 徳人 |
R005-06 |
A self-build FPGA-based data acquisition system for an upgrade of the Tromsoe sodium lidar |
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R005-P03 |
Naライダーの昼間観測に用いるFaraday filterの透過率詳細測定 |
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齊藤 大晶 |
R009-13 |
近赤外撮像装置TOPICS開発と名寄ピリカ望遠鏡でのファーストライト |
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R009-P09 |
惑星高分散エシェル分光器ESPRITの開発と近赤外撮像装置TOPICSの初期観測報告 |
表示 |
齊藤 泰雄 |
R011-15 |
研究データをより見つけやすくするためのメタデータ変換と機関リポジトリへの登録 |
表示 |
齋藤 文紀 |
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R004-11 |
宍道湖西岸の汽水域堆積物に記録された完新世の古地磁気永年変化と環境変遷 |
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齋藤 義文 |
R005-02 |
Es層形成過程の中性大気とプラズマ大気の同時観測による解明: RIDEキャンペーン |
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R005-P04 |
電離圏中性大気観測に向けた中性質量分析器の開発 |
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R005-P11 |
Analysis of plasma waves observed by LFAS/WFC onboard the SS-520-3 sounding rocket |
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R005-P12 |
SS-520-3号機観測ロケット搭載LEPで観測した極域カスプでの電子降下と低エネルギーイオン |
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R006-14 |
Dependence of ion and electron properties in the central plasma sheet on the solar wind conditions: Long-term Geotail observations |
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R006-28 |
Terrestrial-origin O+ ions below 1 keV near the Moon measured with the KAGUYA satellite |
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R009-02 |
Low-Energy Ions and Electrons in Mercury's Magnetosphere: Initial Reports of Mio's Third Flyby |
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R009-05 |
磁気圏ローブにおける昼側月面電位のマッピングに向けたかぐやとARTEMIS観測を用いた初期解析 |
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R009-14 |
Ion and magnetic field observations planned by Martian Moons eXploration (MMX) |
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R009-P03 |
Development Status of the TRITON: Triple-Reflection Compact Time-Of-Flight Neutral Mass Spectrometer for Lunar Polar Exploration |
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R009-P05 |
かぐや低高度観測データを用いた月ミニ磁気圏の荷電粒子・電磁場特性の研究 |
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齋藤 龍之介 |
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R005-23 |
短波ドップラー観測と MU レーダーを用いたスポラディック E 微細構造の研究 |
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佐伯 僚介 |
R006-14 |
Dependence of ion and electron properties in the central plasma sheet on the solar wind conditions: Long-term Geotail observations |
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酒井 恵祐 |
R004-07 |
釧路市春採湖における津波堆積物・テフラの岩石磁気学的特徴:予察 |
表示 |
境 健太郎 |
R008-P03 |
1次元PIC計算による大型レーザー実験における無衝突衝撃波生成機構の解明 |
表示 |
坂井 純 |
R005-24 |
航空航法用電波ILS Localizerを用いたスポラディック E 層空間構造の解析 |
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R005-P17 |
HFドップラー観測システムによる電離層FM-CW距離測定の試み |
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堺 正太朗 |
R009-10 |
Feasibility study of ionospheric explorations at Jupiter's icy moons using Faraday rotation effect |
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R009-12 |
Radio & Plasma Wave Investigation (RPWI) aboard JUICE: The first half year of the long travel to Jupiter and Icy Moons |
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R009-14 |
Ion and magnetic field observations planned by Martian Moons eXploration (MMX) |
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R009-15 |
Kelvin?Helmholtz Instability at Mars by a Newly-developed Multifluid Model |
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R009-17 |
Comparison study of two global multispecies MHD models of Mars |
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R009-18 |
Effects of stellar XUV spectra on atmospheric escape from a Mars-like planet orbiting inactive low-mass stars |
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R009-19 |
ひさき衛星観測結果と比較したジオコロナモデルの妥当性の検証 |
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R009-33 |
LAPYUTA計画(惑星科学、生命圏科学、および天文学に向けた紫外線宇宙望遠鏡)の検討状況 |
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R009-P11 |
Analyzing Brightness of Europa's Auroral Footprint with the HST/STIS Dataset Taken in 2014 and 2022 |
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R009-P19 |
Development of a photochemical model for the impacts of solar energetic particles on prebiotic chemistry on early Mars |
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坂口 歌織 |
R006-P14 |
Examination of method to separate noise from natural magnetic field measured on geostationary satellite |
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R010-14 |
Forecast of Geomagnetic Field Disturbances Using the Empirical Model for Space Weather |
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R010-17 |
Annual electron dose on Himawari8: comparison of SEDA-e observation with empirical model estimation |
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R010-18 |
Improvement of bias current subtraction for Himawari-8/SEDA-e observation (No.2) |
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坂口 拓也 |
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R004-05 |
綱川-ショー法・IZZI-テリエ法によるラシャンエクスカーションの絶対古地磁強度測定 |
表示 |
坂崎 貴俊 |
R005-02 |
Es層形成過程の中性大気とプラズマ大気の同時観測による解明: RIDEキャンペーン |
表示 |
坂田 遼弥 |
R004-01 |
Strong magnetic anomalies record the weak dynamo field of ancient Mars |
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R009-15 |
Kelvin?Helmholtz Instability at Mars by a Newly-developed Multifluid Model |
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R009-17 |
Comparison study of two global multispecies MHD models of Mars |
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R009-18 |
Effects of stellar XUV spectra on atmospheric escape from a Mars-like planet orbiting inactive low-mass stars |
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坂中 伸也 |
R003-P03 |
Constrained inversion of MT data with seismic velocity model in the southern part of NE Japan |
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R003-P04 |
Characteristic features of the magnetotelluric response functions in the northern Kanto region |
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坂野井 健 |
R005-07 |
IMF dependence of midnight bifurcation of the thermospheric wind based on nine winter measurements in Tromsoe, Norway |
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R006-07 |
オーロラXプロジェクト:南極・極冠域の大気電離の研究 |
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R009-13 |
近赤外撮像装置TOPICS開発と名寄ピリカ望遠鏡でのファーストライト |
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R009-P09 |
惑星高分散エシェル分光器ESPRITの開発と近赤外撮像装置TOPICSの初期観測報告 |
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相良 毅 |
R011-15 |
研究データをより見つけやすくするためのメタデータ変換と機関リポジトリへの登録 |
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坂和 洋一 |
R008-P03 |
1次元PIC計算による大型レーザー実験における無衝突衝撃波生成機構の解明 |
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崎山 律 |
R003-P04 |
Characteristic features of the magnetotelluric response functions in the northern Kanto region |
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櫻井 悠貴 |
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R009-P15 |
初期の火星・地球大気における太陽高エネルギー粒子照射による複数種アミノ酸から構成されるペプチドの非生物合成 |
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佐々木 明良 |
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R010-03 |
深層学習による動画予測手法を用いたSDO紫外線画像の全球時系列予測 |
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佐々木 洋平 |
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R009-25 |
高速回転球殻内の非弾性流体の熱対流の長時間積分 |
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佐藤 薫 |
R010-12 |
Atmospheric ionization impact of EMIC-wave driven energetic electron precipitation events |
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佐藤 晋之祐 |
R009-10 |
Feasibility study of ionospheric explorations at Jupiter's icy moons using Faraday rotation effect |
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R009-12 |
Radio & Plasma Wave Investigation (RPWI) aboard JUICE: The first half year of the long travel to Jupiter and Icy Moons |
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R009-P07 |
HISAKI衛星による紫外線観測とハレアカラ T60による可視光観測を用いたイオプラズマトーラスの朝夕非対称性の時間変化と太陽風応答の統計解析 |
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R009-P11 |
Analyzing Brightness of Europa's Auroral Footprint with the HST/STIS Dataset Taken in 2014 and 2022 |
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佐藤 隆雄 |
R009-28 |
OMEGA/Mars Expressによって観測されたMY27-29における火星表面圧力分布の季節変動 |
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R009-29 |
金星雲頂に見られるメソスケールの構造の時間発展 |
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R009-31 |
Characteristics of Venusian gravity waves inferred from thermal infrared cloud images |
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R009-P22 |
Stability and variability of Venusian cloud top altitude from the complete set of dayside images taken by Akatsuki IR2 |
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R009-P23 |
Aerosol properties in the "enormous cloud cover" of Venus as inferred from photometrically improved IR2 night-side data |
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佐藤 毅彦 |
R009-29 |
金星雲頂に見られるメソスケールの構造の時間発展 |
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R009-P22 |
Stability and variability of Venusian cloud top altitude from the complete set of dayside images taken by Akatsuki IR2 |
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R009-P23 |
Aerosol properties in the "enormous cloud cover" of Venus as inferred from photometrically improved IR2 night-side data |
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佐藤 哲郎 |
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R004-P08 |
Viscous remanent magnetization dating of reworked boulders from Beppu Bay |
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