著者 |
発表者 |
招待 講演 |
講演番号 |
ショートタイトル |
予稿集本文 |
星 博幸 |
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R004-01 |
飛騨地方に発達する中新世岩脈群の古地磁気と回転運動 |
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星野 真弘 |
R006-30 |
磁気圏におけるイオン温度空間分布の質量依存性 |
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R006-33 |
A statistical study of slow-mode shocks observed by MMS in the dayside magnetopause |
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R008-11 |
Intense Electromagnetic Waves Excited in Two-dimensional Relativistic Shocks |
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R008-P04 |
高マッハ数衝撃波の3次元PICシミュレーション:電子加速効率のパラメタ依存性 |
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S001-22 |
内部磁気圏プラズマ圧に対するエネルギー帯および粒子種ごとの寄与:あらせMEP-i観測 |
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細川 敬祐 |
R005-08 |
極域における電離圏シンチレーション |
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R005-20 |
A case study on mesospheric bore with ISS-IMAP/VISI observation |
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R005-P03 |
Observations of auroral spectra in EISCAT radar site, Tromso, Norway |
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R005-P05 |
WATEC 大気光イメージャと Swarm 衛星を用いた南極域パッチの統計的性質に関する研究 |
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R005-P06 |
磁気北極付近における大気光観測を用いた CME, CIR 発生時に伴う極冠パッチの性質 |
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R005-P07 |
カナダのイウレカで観測される極冠パッチの統計的性質: UT, 季節,IMF By依存性 |
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R005-P08 |
脈動オーロラによって生成された電離圏分極電場 |
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R005-P16 |
多地点からの大気光観測を用いたプラズマバブルの広域撮像 |
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R006-35 |
リコネクションした磁力線に沿うカスプ電子降下の成長と減衰 |
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R006-P12 |
Imbalance between the electron and ion precipitations in the cusp for northward IMF |
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R006-P14 |
カスプの赤道側境界におけるメソスケールのオーロラ増光の経度分布特性 |
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R006-P22 |
全天大気光イメージャとSwarm 衛星を用いた極冠オーロラ近傍の電流系に関する研究 |
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R006-P26 |
将来オーロラ観測ロケットならびに小型衛星搭載可視・紫外イメージャーの開発 |
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S001-01 |
Geospace Exploration Project ERG(Arase); overview of the mission |
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S001-02 |
Overview and initial results of the PWE on board Arase |
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S001-10 |
Simultaneous observations of pulsating aurora with high-speed all-sky cameras and ARASE satellite |
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S001-11 |
Atmospheric impacts of auroral electrons as observed by Arase and Syowa observations |
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S001-14 |
Coordinated Arase (ERG) satellite and EISCAT radar observations |
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S001-15 |
Coordinated Arase satellite and ground-based observations of pulsating electron and proton auroras |
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S001-36 |
アイスランド〜昭和基地共役点観測の現状 |
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S001-37 |
原子大気オーロラ輝線777.4 nmへの分子大気オーロラ輝線の影響評価 |
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S001-P08 |
北欧全天カメラとVan Allen Probes衛星を用いた脈動オーロラ同時観測事例の解析 |
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S001-P19 |
脈動オーロラ主脈動とコーラスバーストの周期性に関する統計的比較 |
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S001-P21 |
コーラス波動が駆動源と考えられる脈動オーロラパッチの時空間解析 |
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S001-P22 |
Statistical analysis of over-darkening pulsating aurora |
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S001-P25 |
複数波長観測による脈動オーロラ降下電子のエネルギー推定とそのMLT依存性 |
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堀田 英之 |
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R010-03 |
太陽表面磁場を用いた次期太陽周期活動度予測 |
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穂積 裕太 |
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R005-20 |
A case study on mesospheric bore with ISS-IMAP/VISI observation |
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R005-P16 |
多地点からの大気光観測を用いたプラズマバブルの広域撮像 |
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R005-P20 |
国際宇宙ステーションからの観測による大気光の大規模構造の推定 |
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堀 智昭 |
R005-09 |
地磁気静穏日変化の季節変化と太陽活動依存性 |
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R006-21 |
Pc 5オーロラアーク脈動の地上・衛星同時観測 |
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R006-37 |
大型短波レーダーや地上磁場で観測される磁気圏急圧縮に伴う電離圏対流変動 |
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R006-38 |
Ionospheric Conductivity (SZA) Dependence of the SAPS using the SuperDARN Hokkaido East HF Radar |
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R006-39 |
Disturbed time convection observed by the SuperDARN in the premidnight and postmidnight sectors |
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R006-40 |
SuperDARN 2点でSC時に同時観測された磁力線共鳴現象からのプラズマ圏密度推定 |
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R006-P20 |
Stream function of global ionospheric plasma velocity distributions estimated from SuperDARN data |
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S001-01 |
Geospace Exploration Project ERG(Arase); overview of the mission |
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S001-03 |
Wire Probe Antenna and Electric Field Detector of PWE / ARASE: Specifications and Evaluation results |
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S001-06 |
Numerical calculations for flux enhancement of radiation belt electrons |
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S001-26 |
ERGが観測した高エネルギー電子fluxの準周期的な振動について |
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S001-28 |
Relationship between high-L energetic electrons and the Earth's high-latitude disturbances |
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S001-30 |
Survey of radiation belt low-energy electron fluxes based on the ERG LEP-e measurements |
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S001-34 |
Evolution of ionospheric convection and ULFs during the 27 March 2017 storm: ERG-SuperDARN campaign |
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S001-38 |
PWINGプロジェクトによるサブオーロラ帯における内部磁気圏プラズマ・波動計測の現状 |
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S001-P15 |
Calibration of HEP onboard Arase and investigation of flux drop out of the outer belt during storms |
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S001-P29 |
Rapid acceleration of relativistic electrons associated with solar wind pressure pulse |
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S001-P32 |
Theory, Modeling, and Integrated studies in the ARASE(ERG) project |
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S001-P33 |
ERG-Science Center (ERG-SC): the hub of ERG science activities |
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堀内 一穂 |
R010-P21 |
Reconstruction of the flux of galactic cosmic rays using travertine deposits: A pilot study |
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堀之内 武 |
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R009-20 |
「あかつき」でみえてきた金星大気の多彩な流れ |
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