著者 |
発表者 |
招待 講演 |
講演番号 |
ショートタイトル |
予稿集本文 |
フォック メイチン |
R006-P16 |
太陽風変化時におけるホイッスラーモードコーラス波動の励起領域及び励起原因 |
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S001-P03 |
Contribution of ULF and chorus waves to the radiation belt dynamics |
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深井 雅斗 |
R003-08 |
Controlled source electromagnetic approach with EM-ACROSS signal |
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深沢 圭一郎 |
R008-P12 |
Cross-reference simulations by scalable communication library |
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R009-05 |
イオ火山噴火時のプラズマ質量供給率に対する木星オーロラの応答 |
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深見 哲男 |
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R005-P23 |
IRIモデルによる理論イオノグラムと観測との比較 |
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吹澤 瑞貴 |
R006-03 |
PARM計画: 観測ロケットRockSat-XNによる高エネルギー電子マイクロバースト現象の観測 |
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R006-P28 |
脈動オーロラロケット実験Rocksat-SN, LAMPならびに将来衛星計画FACTORS |
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R006-P30 |
脈動オーロラ観測ロケットRocksat-XN搭載オーロラカメラの開発 |
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S001-09 |
Electrostatic electron cyclotron harmonic waves as a candidate to cause pulsating auroras |
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福江 一輝 |
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R003-04 |
山崎断層系那岐山断層帯に属する那岐山断層・那岐池断層の地下浅部比抵抗構造 |
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R003-P06 |
AMT調査と広帯域MT調査を併用した地下比抵抗構造の解明 |
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福原 哲哉 |
R009-18 |
あかつき搭載LIR用いた金星雲頂の温度変動の周期解析 |
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R009-19 |
Vertical propagation of the large stationary gravity waves in the Venus atmosphere |
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R009-20 |
あかつき中間赤外画像の積算による金星雲頂の定在構造の抽出 |
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R009-21 |
Comparison of horizontal distributions of temperature and UV absorbers at the Venus cloud-tops |
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R009-23 |
主成分分析を用いた金星の雲形態からの特徴抽出 |
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福間 浩司 |
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R004-06 |
黒部川花崗岩から得た酸化されたマグネタイトによる初生磁化 |
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福谷 貴一 |
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R009-20 |
あかつき中間赤外画像の積算による金星雲頂の定在構造の抽出 |
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福山 代智 |
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R009-P24 |
惑星探査用飛行時間計測型中性粒子質量分析器の開発 |
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福與 直人 |
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R004-P10 |
南太平洋トンガ王国の鍾乳石に対する走査型SQUID顕微鏡を用いた古地磁気測定の適用 |
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藤井 郁子 |
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R003-10 |
Comparison between observed and calculated Sq variations - preliminary results |
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R003-P10 |
GAIA Sqモデルを用いたマントル電気伝導度構造の推定 |
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藤井 昌和 |
R003-05 |
北海道北部の蛇紋岩地域における三次元比抵抗モデリングおよび磁気異常解析 |
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R004-01 |
A new software for the analysis of remanent magnetization curves |
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R004-02 |
Submersible Magnetics for Off-axis Volcanism in Central Indian Ridge |
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藤井 良一 |
R005-04 |
EISCAT_3D(次世代欧州非干渉散乱レーダー)計画の進捗状況(7) |
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S001-09 |
Electrostatic electron cyclotron harmonic waves as a candidate to cause pulsating auroras |
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S001-15 |
Concentrically expanding ring-shaped pulsating aurora: simultaneous observations with Arase |
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S001-P13 |
The temporal characteristics of PsA internal modulation |
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S001-P14 |
脈動オーロラ消光時に見られる発光強度の極端減少の原因 |
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藤井 亮佑 |
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S001-P18 |
Penetration of ions and evolution of the plasmasphere during magnetic storms: Arase observations |
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藤木 謙一 |
R007-06 |
惑星間空間シンチレーション観測を用いた内部太陽圏の可視化と太陽嵐到来予測 |
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R007-07 |
Comparative Study of Microwave Polar Brightening, Polar Coronal Hole, and Polar Solar Wind |
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藤田 茂 |
R003-10 |
Comparison between observed and calculated Sq variations - preliminary results |
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R003-P10 |
GAIA Sqモデルを用いたマントル電気伝導度構造の推定 |
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R006-P17 |
昼側カスプ・マントル沿磁力線電流系の定電流源 |
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R006-P20 |
cusp-magnetosheathにおけるショックの消長とsubstormの関係(2) |
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藤本 晶子 |
R006-P02 |
Magnetosphere-ionosphere connection of storm-time R2 FAC and ring current: ERG-AMPERE observations |
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R010-04 |
磁気擾乱時における中低緯度領域電磁誘導応答の研究 |
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R010-05 |
The relationship between plasma bubbles and EEJ, CEJ |
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R010-P08 |
再帰型ニューラルネットワークを用いた太陽風パラメータからのサブストーム規模の予測 |
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R010-P09 |
Global response of Magnetic field and Ionosonde observations to intense solar flares |
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R010-P10 |
Variation of Schumann Resonance during the intense solar activity from October to November, 2003 |
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S001-04 |
磁気圏の磁気双極子化に伴い発生する磁場擾乱:あらせ観測結果 |
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S001-22 |
Periodic energetic electron flux modulations by the azimuthally-confined ULF waves |
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* |
S001-28 |
Meridional distribution of proton and ring current in the inner magnetosphere: Arase observation |
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S001-29 |
Longitudinal Structure of Oxygen Torus: Simultaneous Observations by Arase and Van Allen Probe A |
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S001-34 |
Plasma Density Distributions along the Magnetic Fields: Coordinated Observation of Arase and RBSP |
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S001-P02 |
あらせ衛星によるULFの統計解析 |
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藤本 正樹 |
R009-05 |
イオ火山噴火時のプラズマ質量供給率に対する木星オーロラの応答 |
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藤原 均 |
R003-P10 |
GAIA Sqモデルを用いたマントル電気伝導度構造の推定 |
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R005-07 |
Horizontal temperature gradients in the polar MLT region above Tromsoe using sodium LIDAR data |
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R005-11 |
Evolution of aerosol profile and convective instability in the middle atmosphere on Mars |
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R005-25 |
下層大気起源の熱圏重力波により引き起こされた大規模伝播性電離圏擾乱 |
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R005-P36 |
Ionospheric heating in the dayside polar region during geomagnetically quiet periods |
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R009-14 |
Seasonal variation of the homopause altitudes on Mars derived from MAVEN/IUVS observations |
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R010-01 |
巨大太陽フレア時の電離圏全電子数変動に対する中性大気組成の影響 |
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R010-03 |
スポラディックE層発生の変動メカニズムと予測 |
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R010-P06 |
update and validation of a whole atmosphere-ionosphere coupled model GAIA |
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藤原 正智 |
R005-10 |
Tropical tropopause inversion layer using high resolution temperature profiles by COSMIC GPS-RO |
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R005-13 |
熱帯成層圏界面領域におけるハドレー型子午面循環と半年周期振動 |
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二村 有希 |
R009-P06 |
ピリカ望遠鏡に搭載された近赤外エシェル分光器NICEよる金星大気微量分子の観測 |
表示 |
古川 大悟 |
R003-04 |
山崎断層系那岐山断層帯に属する那岐山断層・那岐池断層の地下浅部比抵抗構造 |
表示 |