著者 |
発表者 |
招待 講演 |
講演番号 |
ショートタイトル |
予稿集本文 |
直井 隆浩 |
R005-P01 |
Recent activities and future plans of NICT ionospheric observations |
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R007-P01 |
情報通信研究機構−東北大学統合太陽電波観測データアーカイブ |
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長井 嗣信 |
R006-P03 |
Structure of the Hall magnetic field in dayside magnetic reconnection inferred from MMS data |
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S001-P06 |
Energetic electrons observed at higher latitude region of the plasma sheet near the radiation belt |
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中川 潤 |
R003-12 |
Large-scale resistivity structure around the long-term Slow Slip Events beneath the Bungo Channel |
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中川 朋子 |
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R007-08 |
太陽風中の月のウェイク中のKH不安定的な磁場変動について |
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S001-03 |
Wire Probe Antenna and Electric Field Detector of PWE / ARASE: Specifications and Evaluation results |
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中川 広務 |
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R005-P30 |
火星下部熱圏における大気重力波の季節変動 |
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R009-18 |
Near infrared spectral imager MacrOmega onboard MMX to investigate martian atmosphere |
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R009-19 |
Gravity waves in the Martian exosphere |
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R009-29 |
ヘテロダイン分光器へのファイバー導入と金星中間圏風速温度リトリーバル手法の確立 |
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R009-P01 |
Retrieval of the vertical profile of the water vapor on Mars observed by OMEGA / MEx |
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R009-P03 |
Exploring the Atmosphere of Mars and Venus with Remote Observations: A Belgium-Japan partnership |
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中川 裕美 |
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R010-P10 |
低緯度コロナホール起源の太陽風変動に対する地球磁気圏応答 |
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長澤 親生 |
R005-P28 |
赤道ライダーとEARにより観測されたケルート火山起源成層圏エアロゾルの輸送と鉛直風 |
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中島 悠貴 |
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R005-04 |
GNSS-TEC observation and modeling of 2015 Kuchinoerabujima eruption |
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中島 健介 |
R009-11 |
高速回転する薄い球殻内の熱対流により生成される表層縞帯状構造の消滅 |
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R009-12 |
全球海惑星気候の太陽定数依存性の研究 |
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R009-21 |
高解像度金星大気シミュレーションで再現された惑星規模のストリーク構造 |
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中須賀 真一 |
R009-P02 |
超小型火星探査機搭載THzヘテロダイン分光システムの開発検討 |
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中田 裕之 |
R005-05 |
GPS-TECとHFドップラーを用いた火山噴火に伴う電離圏変動の解析 |
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R005-06 |
HFドップラーと微気圧計を用いた台風に伴う電離圏擾乱の解析 |
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R005-15 |
95GHz雲レーダFALCON-Iで観測された雲パラメータと大気電場との比較 |
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R005-22 |
ISS-IMAPによる赤道プラズマバブル観測 |
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R005-P17 |
GPS電波掩蔽観測を用いた地震に伴う高度方向の電離圏擾乱の解析 |
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R005-P18 |
LF帯標準電波観測における電離圏高度と電気伝導度との相関 |
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R010-08 |
Recent activity of HF-START |
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中田 亮一 |
R004-05 |
Precise determination of Fe species in plagioclase crystals |
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永田 倫太郎 |
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R005-P07 |
カナダのイウレカで観測される極冠パッチの統計的性質: UT, 季節,IMF By依存性 |
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長妻 努 |
R010-12 |
Comparison of magnetic field variations at quasi-zenith orbit and global MHD simulation |
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R010-P02 |
衛星帯電予報のための衛星表面電位のリアルタイム推定手法の開発 |
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R010-P04 |
Comparison Between Surface Charging Event from Michibiki (QZS) Satellite and Global MHD Simulation |
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R010-P11 |
HF Doppler多点観測による磁気嵐の夜側過遮蔽電場 |
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S001-15 |
Coordinated Arase satellite and ground-based observations of pulsating electron and proton auroras |
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S001-25 |
あらせ衛星の準リアルタイムデータを利用した放射線帯変動予測 |
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S001-31 |
あらせ衛星−地上連携観測で観測された孤立型サブストームの総合解析 |
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S001-33 |
The magnetic field investigation on the ARASE (ERG) mission |
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S001-38 |
PWINGプロジェクトによるサブオーロラ帯における内部磁気圏プラズマ・波動計測の現状 |
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S001-P14 |
Energy spectra variations of high energy electrons in magnetic storms observed by ARASE and HIMAWARI |
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中野 慎也 |
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R006-P20 |
Stream function of global ionospheric plasma velocity distributions estimated from SuperDARN data |
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S001-34 |
Evolution of ionospheric convection and ULFs during the 27 March 2017 storm: ERG-SuperDARN campaign |
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S001-P32 |
Theory, Modeling, and Integrated studies in the ARASE(ERG) project |
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中野谷 賢 |
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R007-06 |
地球磁気圏衝撃波と惑星間空間衝撃波との相互作用による電子加速 |
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長濱 智生 |
R010-P01 |
SMILES-2衛星計画における惑星大気・天文観測応用 |
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長濱 裕幸 |
R004-P03 |
Inverse magnetic fabric in tsunami deposits |
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中原 美音 |
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R010-P14 |
磁気擾乱時における中低緯度領域電磁誘導応答の研究 |
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中溝 葵 |
R006-14 |
Application of a magnetospheric-ionospheric current model for dayside and terminator Pi2 pulsations |
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R006-15 |
Effects of Ionospheric Hall Polarization Field on Magnetosphere in Global MHD Simulation |
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R009-09 |
電離圏ポテンシャルソルバーによる木星内部磁気圏電場の太陽風応答の研究 |
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R010-12 |
Comparison of magnetic field variations at quasi-zenith orbit and global MHD simulation |
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R010-P04 |
Comparison Between Surface Charging Event from Michibiki (QZS) Satellite and Global MHD Simulation |
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S001-P32 |
Theory, Modeling, and Integrated studies in the ARASE(ERG) project |
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中村 紗都子 |
R006-28 |
Pc5波動内におけるプロトンからEMIC波動へのエネルギー輸送の直接計測 |
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* |
R010-06 |
Modelling geomagnetically induced currents (GIC) in the 500 kV power grid in Japan |
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R010-P15 |
電離圏電流によって駆動される地磁気誘導電場のシミュレーション |
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中村 卓司 |
R005-07 |
EISCAT_3D計画の進捗状況(6) |
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R005-28 |
陸別・信楽の大気光画像を用いた中間圏重力波・TIDの水平位相速度分布 |
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R005-29 |
OH大気光イメージャ観測を用いた、南極昭和・Davis基地上空の中間圏重力波の伝播特性 |
表示 |
R005-P24 |
南極昭和基地における波長可変共鳴散乱ライダー観測の現状 |
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中村 匡 |
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R008-02 |
経路積分を使った相対論的拡散の計算:δ関数のあつかい |
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中村 智樹 |
R009-18 |
Near infrared spectral imager MacrOmega onboard MMX to investigate martian atmosphere |
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中村 教博 |
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R004-P03 |
Inverse magnetic fabric in tsunami deposits |
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中村 雅夫 |
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R008-07 |
Hall magnetic field structure and plasma dynamics in large-scale magnetic reconnection |
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R010-P02 |
衛星帯電予報のための衛星表面電位のリアルタイム推定手法の開発 |
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S001-P27 |
Analysis of spacecraft surface charging events in MEO |
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中村 正人 |
R009-23 |
Study on the thermal structure of the Venusian polar atmosphere |
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R009-24 |
Measuring the movement deviation between planetary and mesoscale clouds with UVI/AKATSUKI images |
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R009-P08 |
金星大気重力波イベントのALMA/金星探査機「あかつき」の連携観測プロジェクト |
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R009-P24 |
A study on long-term variation of Jupiter's synchrotron radiation associated with solar wind |
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中村 真帆 |
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R010-13 |
Ionospheric gradient analyses for the optimization of the GBAS ionospheric threat model in Japan |
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中森 広太 |
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R005-15 |
95GHz雲レーダFALCON-Iで観測された雲パラメータと大気電場との比較 |
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滑川 拓 |
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R006-P28 |
SS-520-3号機によるカスプ領域のプラズマ粒子観測 |
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奈良 佑亮 |
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R009-27 |
ひさき・あかつきの金星同時観測による金星大気の上下結合の研究 |
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成田 康人 |
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R006-29 |
MMS衛星を使った衝撃波前面のホイッスラー波観測 |
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成行 泰裕 |
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R008-04 |
太陽風プラズマ中の見かけの温度の熱力学的性質: ポリトロープモデル |
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R008-P08 |
Parameter tuning of a 5th order Conservative and Non-oscillatory Scheme for Vlasov simulations |
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