著者 |
発表者 |
招待 講演 |
講演番号 |
ショートタイトル |
予稿集本文 |
太陽地球惑星系分科会科学シミュレーション |
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S001-07 |
太陽地球惑星系科学分野におけるシミュレーション研究の将来構想 |
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太陽地球惑星圏の研究分野 理学委員 |
S001-13 |
宇宙科学探査ミッションカテゴリーの議論と宇宙研における太陽系科学分野の将来展望について |
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垰 千尋 |
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R005-09 |
観測との比較によるGAIA極域改良版の再現性評価 |
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R005-41 |
大気圏電離圏モデルGAIAによる地磁気静穏時の平均的熱圏・電離圏変動の再現性評価と課題 |
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R005-43 |
Impacts of CO2 doubling on momentum balance in the thermosphere. |
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R009-10 |
Long-term monitoring of Jupiter's aurora and Io torus by Hisaki EXCEED |
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R010-13 |
太陽フレアX線・EUV・ライマンα線放射とデリンジャー現象の関係 |
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R010-15 |
太陽活動がスポラディックE層に与える影響 |
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R010-18 |
HF-START web tool: A web interface for HF radio wave users |
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R010-25 |
NICT宇宙天気予報の中長期計画と将来構想 |
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S001-11 |
惑星科学、生命圏科学、および天文学に向けた紫外線宇宙望遠鏡計画の提案 |
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S002-02 |
SGEPSSにおけるデータ出版・データ引用の現状とその実践・意義 |
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S002-08 |
GAIA長期計算のIUGONETメタデータおよびDOI登録に向けて |
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田表 主良 |
R003-04 |
後生掛地熱地帯での自然電位分布の変遷 |
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高木 朗充 |
R003-02 |
Aeromagnetic survey of Nishinoshima volcano by using drone: the current situation and future outlook |
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高木 聖子 |
R009-07 |
望遠鏡観測による木星衛星エウロパ表面NaClの起源の検討 |
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R009-16 |
次世代紫外線宇宙望遠鏡によるエウロパプルーム検出可能性の検討 |
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R009-38 |
Observation and analysis of optical emission by lightning in Jupiter and Venus with high-speed photometer |
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R009-39 |
Estimation of the drift rate and intensity of Neptune's storm in 2018 and 2020 |
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高木 征弘 |
R009-37 |
金星探査機「あかつき」の水平風速を用いた客観解析データ作成の試み |
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R009-40 |
全球非静力学金星大気モデルの開発:簡易金星計算 |
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高倉 伸一 |
R003-08 |
Three-dimensional electrical resistivity structure beneath the back-arc side of the southern Tohoku region |
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高島 健 |
R006-22 |
Statistical study about pitch angle evolutions of sub-relativistic/relativistic electrons of the outer radiation belt |
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R006-24 |
Possible observation plans for high-energy analyzer (PINO) onboard a CubeSat (BIRDS-5) |
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R006-50 |
A new calibration method for LEPe low-energy electron data of the ERG satellite |
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R006-52 |
Evaluation of the errors in analyzing energetic electron flux data obtained by Arase/HEP |
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R010-26 |
CHARMS (CHarging And Radiation Monitors for Space weather) mission |
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R010-28 |
Development of radiation belt forecast model based on the recurrent neural network |
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高須 敦也 |
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R006-48 |
Development by numerical design of double-shell electrostatic energy analyzer with hemispherical field of view |
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高須 浩平 |
R006-07 |
Mini-broadband electron precipitation in the cusp for northward IMF |
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高田 拓 |
R005-47 |
2020年および2021年における北海道での夜光雲観測状況および補足率向上に向けたイメージャーの開発 |
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R009-11 |
KOSEN-1 Jupiter radio observation campaign with ground-based radio telescopes |
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高田 知弥 |
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R006-12 |
SuperDARNレーダーとあらせ衛星によるプラズマ圏境界/SAPS領域周辺の電場・粒子観測: イベント解析初期結果 |
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高田 雅康 |
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R005-06 |
Effects of CIR- and CME-driven magnetic storm on ion upflows in the low-altitude polar ionosphere |
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鷹野 敏明 |
R005-59 |
Estimation of cloud base height and cloud cover from all-sky cloud imagers |
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R005-60 |
Response of thunderstorms, rainfalls and snowfalls to global electric circuit in Kanto area using W-band cloud radar FALCON-I |
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高橋 一輝 |
R006-21 |
コーラスの伝搬特性と脈動オーロラ-マイクロバースト降り込み電子の関係 |
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高橋 一輝 |
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R006-19 |
Effect of quasi-steady scattering on pulsating aurora |
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高橋 健太 |
R008-24 |
大型レーザー実験による磁化プラズマ衝撃波の生成およびその長時間発展 |
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R008-26 |
対向伝搬する大振幅アルフベン波による相対論的粒子加速 |
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高橋 透 |
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R005-18 |
Observation of ionospheric irregularity by using scintillation of VHF to UHF satellite signals |
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高橋 直子 |
R006-14 |
Two types of storm-time Pc5 ULF waves excited in the Magnetosphere-Ionosphere coupled model |
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R006-15 |
A statistical survey of Pc5 waves observed in the dusk and night sectors |
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R010-25 |
NICT宇宙天気予報の中長期計画と将来構想 |
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高橋 太 |
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R004-04 |
A preliminary study of the Hadean geodynamo based on a Basal-Magma-Ocean-Dynamo hypothesis |
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R004-17 |
Basic properties of shock remanent magnetization for single-domain titanomagnetite |
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R007-08 |
An event study on electrostatic solitary wave excitation and electron distributions in the lunar wake boundary |
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R009-04 |
地球磁気圏内の月面上低高度で観測されたULF波の偏波について |
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S001-02 |
地磁気・古地磁気・岩石磁気分野の展望と技術開発・研究環境整備の必要性 |
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* |
S001-08 |
The future direction of SGEPSS: Subcommittee on the environment of airless bodies, moons, and spacecraft |
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高橋 正明 |
R009-42 |
Longitudinal variation in the Venusian cloud optical thickness associated with a Kelvin wave |
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高橋 幸弘 |
R005-61 |
V-POTEKA観測網で検出された西部北太平洋における雷活動と台風強度発達との関係性 |
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R005-62 |
Scope and progress of ULAT/SATREPS project for extreme weather monitoring in Asia |
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R009-07 |
望遠鏡観測による木星衛星エウロパ表面NaClの起源の検討 |
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R009-38 |
Observation and analysis of optical emission by lightning in Jupiter and Venus with high-speed photometer |
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R009-39 |
Estimation of the drift rate and intensity of Neptune's storm in 2018 and 2020 |
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高橋 芳幸 |
R009-40 |
全球非静力学金星大気モデルの開発:簡易金星計算 |
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陽 直弘 |
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R005-21 |
Automated detection of mid-latitude sporadic E using GPS-TEC ROTI and aeronautical navigation radio wave data |
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高村 民雄 |
R005-59 |
Estimation of cloud base height and cloud cover from all-sky cloud imagers |
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高山 久美 |
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R005-26 |
主成分分析による地上磁場データの成分分離 |
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滝 朋恵 |
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R006-33 |
あらせ衛星のモノポールモードで観測されたコーラス波動の解析 |
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田口 聡 |
R006-06 |
Relationship between the cusp ion precipitation from lobe reconnection and the magnetosheath flow |
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R006-07 |
Mini-broadband electron precipitation in the cusp for northward IMF |
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R006-60 |
Temporal variations of enhanced low-energy electron fluxes associated with the auroral arc near the nightside polar cap boundary |
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R009-05 |
Possibility of water-ion parallel acceleration in the comet 67P/Churyumov?Gerasimenko: observation by the Rosetta spacecraft |
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R010-32 |
Quasistatic mesoscale field-aligned currents embedded in the diminished large-scale Region 1 current: Dawn-dusk asymmetry |
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S002-10 |
データサービスの永続的運用の現状と課題: WDC京都による地磁気データサービス |
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田口 真 |
R009-45 |
多波長撮像観測で探る金星極渦の立体構造 |
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武尾 実 |
R003-02 |
Aeromagnetic survey of Nishinoshima volcano by using drone: the current situation and future outlook |
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R004-09 |
西之島2014-2015年溶岩による古地磁気強度絶対値測定 |
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竹崎 太智 |
R008-24 |
大型レーザー実験による磁化プラズマ衝撃波の生成およびその長時間発展 |
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岳藤 一宏 |
R007-03 |
かにパルサーの巨大電波パルスを用いたサイクル24/25極小期における太陽コロナ密度測定 |
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多田 訓子 |
R003-01 |
ドローンを用いた九重火山における繰り返し空中磁気観測により見積もられた磁場時間変化について |
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R003-02 |
Aeromagnetic survey of Nishinoshima volcano by using drone: the current situation and future outlook |
表示 |
R004-09 |
西之島2014-2015年溶岩による古地磁気強度絶対値測定 |
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多田 悠也 |
R003-04 |
後生掛地熱地帯での自然電位分布の変遷 |
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田所 裕康 |
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S001-20 |
学会と社会の関わり・研究環境に関する現状と将来構想〜アウトリーチ・教育普及活動・研究者の充実したライフスタイルの実現〜 |
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田中 健太郎 |
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R006-64 |
ULF modulation of the D-region ionosphere observed by VLF/LF transmitter signals |
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田中 周大 |
R008-24 |
大型レーザー実験による磁化プラズマ衝撃波の生成およびその長時間発展 |
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田中 誠志郎 |
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R006-49 |
Floating-mode avalanche photodiode experiments using low-energy electrons |
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田中 高史 |
R006-02 |
Region 1沿磁力線電流の生成領域 |
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R006-03 |
Implementation of Alfvenic Coupling in Global MHD Magnetosphere Simulation |
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R006-38 |
磁気圏尾部“乗り換えリコネクション"の磁場トポロジー |
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R008-07 |
A new global multifluid MHD model with the cubed sphere focusing on Martian ionosphere and magnetosphere |
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田中 雅臣 |
S001-11 |
惑星科学、生命圏科学、および天文学に向けた紫外線宇宙望遠鏡計画の提案 |
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田中 裕士 |
R006-31 |
プラズマ波動の分散関係に基づいた伝搬方向推定手法の検討とあらせ衛星観測データへの適用 |
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R006-40 |
センサ間のノイズレベルの差異を考慮したプラズマ波の到来波識別手法に関する研究 |
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田中 勇人 |
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R005-45 |
観測ロケット搭載超高層大気密度測定用真空計の開発 |
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田中 良昌 |
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R005-02 |
Improvement of the Auroral Computed Tomography analysis method for each aurora type |
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R005-03 |
オーロラコンピュータトモグラフィによる脈動オーロラの3次元構造と降下電子の再構成 |
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R005-07 |
Statistical investigation of polar mesosphere winter echoes by the PANSY radar: Superposed epoch analysis to substorm activities |
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R005-11 |
地上とあらせ衛星による夜間中規模伝搬性電離圏擾乱の複数例同時観測 |
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R006-62 |
Automatic FLR identification in ionospheric and ground/sea back-scatters from multiple SuperDARN radars, and density estimation |
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R006-67 |
地上多点リオメータ観測に基づく2018年8月25-28日の磁気嵐中のサブストームにおける宇宙電波雑音吸収の経度広がりの研究 |
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S001-22 |
SGEPSSにおける研究データマネジメントの現状と将来像 |
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S002-12 |
IUGONETプロジェクトによる超高層大気分野の研究データマネージメントへの貢献 |
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田中 良 |
R003-11 |
広帯域MT法探査から推定される雌阿寒岳のマグマ供給系と浅部熱水系 |
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ダミアーニ アレッサンドロ |
R005-59 |
Estimation of cloud base height and cloud cover from all-sky cloud imagers |
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田村 千織 |
R004-01 |
Near-seafloor magnetic anomaly reveals geomagnetic field fluctuation during 29?33 Myr |
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田村 慎 |
R003-09 |
Electrical resistivity structure beneath the southern part of Tohoku, NE Japan, revealed by magnetotelluric (MT) survey |
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