著者 |
発表者 |
招待 講演 |
講演番号 |
ショートタイトル |
予稿集本文 |
加藤 千恵 |
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R004-02 |
Absolute paleointensity study of lava flows from Tendaho Graben, Afar depression, Ethiopia |
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加藤 千尋 |
R010-26 |
Bidirectional cosmic-ray anisotropy observed with world-wide networks of neutron monitors and muon detectors in November, 2021 |
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S001-22 |
ミューオン計ネットワークを用いた銀河宇宙線の南北異方性の研究 |
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加藤 正久 |
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R009-07 |
月面からの光電子とオージェ電子放出モデルの開発 |
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加藤 悠斗 |
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R006-35 |
3年間の地上多点観測データを用いたサブオーロラ帯の銀河電波吸収の増強の統計解析 |
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加藤 雄人 |
R005-03 |
Plasma wave and DC electric field observations by the SS-520-3 sounding rocket |
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R005-P06 |
Lower hybrid resonance (LHR) frequency measurements in the ionosphere by SS-520-3 NEI/PWM |
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R006-07 |
Observational evidence of nonlinear growth of whistler-mode waves around quasi-perpendicular bow shocks |
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R006-28 |
High temporal variation in electron fluxes during flux burst events observed by the Arase satellite |
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R006-29 |
High temporal variation in electron fluxes during the flux burst event: Test-particle simulation |
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R006-38 |
Arase衛星を用いた高緯度・プラズマポーズ近傍におけるホイッスラーモードコーラスのダクト伝搬の事例解析 |
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R006-39 |
Banded chorus and no-gap chorus: What makes the difference? |
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R006-P05 |
磁気圏プラズマの沿磁力線分布モデルの開発と分散性Alfven波の波動特性の研究 |
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R006-P06 |
Study of the wave mode contributing to the ion heating events in the Earth's polar region based on the Akebono observation |
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R006-P18 |
内部磁気圏におけるULF波動の伝搬過程を解くMHDシミュレーションコードの開発 |
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R009-P18 |
Test particle simulation of electron ? water molecule ionizations around Enceladus: energy loss of 1keV electrons |
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R009-P20 |
High spatial resolution simulation of global Jovian magnetosphere for vortex configuration |
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R010-P01 |
コード間結合フレームワークを用いた人工衛星帯電解析の技術基盤開発 |
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S001-P12 |
円偏波プラズマ波動による荷電粒子捕捉に関する統一モデル |
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門倉 昭 |
R005-35 |
昭和基地における長期OH大気光観測データによる極域上部中間圏領域特有の変動解明 |
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R006-16 |
オーロラ活動に伴う銀河強度の変動:南極昭和基地における掃天フォトメータ観測 |
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R006-35 |
3年間の地上多点観測データを用いたサブオーロラ帯の銀河電波吸収の増強の統計解析 |
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R006-P12 |
地磁気共役点における降り込みプロトンエネルギー及びフラックスの比較 |
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R006-P23 |
地上光学・電波機器とあらせ衛星・Van Allen Probes衛星の同時観測に基づくサブオーロラ帯の3種類のオーロラの複数例解析 |
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R010-26 |
Bidirectional cosmic-ray anisotropy observed with world-wide networks of neutron monitors and muon detectors in November, 2021 |
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S001-22 |
ミューオン計ネットワークを用いた銀河宇宙線の南北異方性の研究 |
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金沢 桃花 |
R003-07 |
奥能登群発地震震源域の3次元比抵抗構造 |
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金子 岳史 |
R011-03 |
ISEEにおけるDOI付与及びデータ引用の推進 |
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金嶋 聰 |
R004-08 |
A long-term evolution of a compositionally-driven dynamo: implications for a sudden decline in lunar paleointensity |
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鎌田 有紘 |
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R009-15 |
Global simulation of valley network formation by rivers and ice sheets in early Mars for various surface pressure and H2 amount |
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R009-P02 |
火星GCMによるレゴリス-大気間の水交換が水蒸気カラム量に与える影響 |
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神尾 修治 |
S001-27 |
トーラスプラズマ中の高エネルギーイオン分布の飽和現象 |
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上島 翔真 |
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S001-19 |
パーカースパイラル磁場を持つ星風中を伝播する超新星残骸における宇宙線の逃走過程 |
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亀田 真吾 |
R009-14 |
惑星科学、生命圏科学、および天文学に向けた紫外線宇宙望遠鏡計画の検討状況 |
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R009-P01 |
The Comet Interceptor mission: JAXA's mission definition review and system requirement review completed |
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鴨川 仁 |
R005-P18 |
Effects of the 2022 Tonga volcanic eruption on the D-region ionosphere based on observation of AVON VLF/LF transmitter signals |
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河井 洋輔 |
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S001-39 |
宇宙プラズマ観測用質量分析装置の開発:太陽系探査への展開 |
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河北 秀世 |
R009-06 |
彗星のコマ中のライマンα線の放射輝度分布に対する原子間衝突および多重散乱の寄与 |
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R009-P01 |
The Comet Interceptor mission: JAXA's mission definition review and system requirement review completed |
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川口 隼人 |
R011-04 |
JAXAにおけるDOI導入に向けた検討状況 |
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川越 弓恵 |
R006-P17 |
The latest status of a high-energy electron analyzer (PINO) onboard a CubeSat (BIRDS-5) |
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川筋 直樹 |
R009-33 |
Spectroscopic and imaging observation of Venus for identification of an unknown absorber by a balloon-borne telescope FUJIN-2 |
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川面 洋平 |
R006-P05 |
磁気圏プラズマの沿磁力線分布モデルの開発と分散性Alfven波の波動特性の研究 |
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川面 洋平 |
R006-P18 |
内部磁気圏におけるULF波動の伝搬過程を解くMHDシミュレーションコードの開発 |
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川手 朋子 |
R010-P11 |
Solar-C (EUVST)/The Solar Spectral Irradiance Monitor (SoSpIM) による宇宙天気研究 |
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河野 剛健 |
R006-21 |
Low-cost magnetometer using magneto-impedance (MI) sensors |
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R006-P09 |
Field-aligned currents associated with pulsating auroral patches: Observation with Magneto-Impedance Magnetometer on board LAMP |
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河野 英昭 |
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R006-P19 |
Effects of increasing the frequency resolution of FFT on the density estimation from the SuperDARN data |
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川端 哲也 |
R005-34 |
トロムソNaライダーデータによる北極域MLT領域8時間と6時間大気波動の研究 |
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R005-P27 |
Faraday filter transmission measurements with a narrowband 589 nm light source for the Na lidar observations at Tromsoe |
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R005-P28 |
Sodium saturation spectroscopy using distributed feedback lasers |
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川原 琢也 |
R005-34 |
トロムソNaライダーデータによる北極域MLT領域8時間と6時間大気波動の研究 |
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R005-P27 |
Faraday filter transmission measurements with a narrowband 589 nm light source for the Na lidar observations at Tromsoe |
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R005-P28 |
Sodium saturation spectroscopy using distributed feedback lasers |
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川村 美季 |
R006-12 |
The LAMP sounding rocket mission; in-situ observations of microburst electron precipitations associated with pulsating aurorae |
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R006-P10 |
観測パッケージPARM-HEPによる脈動オーロラに伴うマイクロバースト現象の観測 |
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